They used a long and very thin blue plastic probe with just a small amount of cotton on the end. It was about 7 inches long. She was gentile and I was able to push my head back on the headrest so it didn't knee jerk as I was "violated". I was surprised that the tip of the probe made a burning sensation on the things it touched going in. It made my eyes water. That's great that she wants to do it right. My surgeon says the rehab for the knee replacement is longer and more involved than the hip. Dang, getting the hip done twice times 2 is sad. Glad he's doing good now. From my first hip replacement, the nerve pain I'm having right now will be gone as soon as they do it Monday. The biggest hurdle I had after was getting the swelling down on my thigh and knee from the massive tourniquet they use to help man handle the leg during the surgery. Until you get that swelling down, you can't really bend your knee because of the tight skin. Since it's my right leg, that means I can't control a car until that happens.
Bob says he's already confirmed old adapter works on 3's. That corroborates what I'd already read, that the early incompatibility related to the car .... as opposed to the adapter. Eventually OTA update on the cars solved the issue. .
There are different methods of sample collection. Here, the spouse and I have had 3 covid-19 tests between us, and none used that 'brain-probing' method. All ours were self-administered, with a swab that is to be inserted only 1 inch up the nose, far less uncomfortable than those commonly pictured deep-dive tests.
Good to know. So far, we've not needed a test. But my wife will be getting one next month when she goes in for knee replacement.
I'm pretty sure my hair moved on the back of my head. PS, it was a great 3 years, almost to the exact week. . . . . Kind of sad, it was a good tool and great car. Somebody's getting a cherry.
You may wish to look in to it beforehand. Plenty of places are using the painful method, and you won't have a choice at the testing site, each likely uses a single method.
See post #61 above. I already had my pre-op tests and covid-19 test Monday, 9-28. The surgery center was not offering any choices on the test method. They're chopping me up on this coming Monday morning.
I'm back with a newly replaced right hip. 3 days in, 5:30am Monday to 5:30pm yesterday. It's pretty much how I remember the first one. Yes, it hurts, but you trade one pain for another which will go away as the swelling goes down. No driving for at least 6 weeks. This is the one time I can truly say it's a pain in the arse.
11 days in and I'm almost migrated off the walker to a cane. My 5 day a week PTA is a ex-gymast elvira workout nazi so resistance is futile but fun. Waiting on my medical release to drive again before ordering our Teslas (his and hers) has paid off. The 2021's are a refreshed version of the 3. Among all the changes, last night they just updated the order page range stats. M3 SRP 263 miles 5.3 sec M3P 315 miles 3.1 sec MS LR AWD 353 miles. Woo Hooooo It also went form a 4.4 to a 4.2 zero-60. 353 miles really helps in my area in those long spaces we still have between chargers and in cold weather and our high winds. Yes, I know I'm not going to get 353, but I'm also the guy that drove my 2010 805 miles on one tank of gas so . . . .
price drop again on a Model S .... $69,420!!! Lucid (still vaporware) Electric just announced a cheapo model price in the $70,000 range. With that announcement in mind, it's likely Tesla dropped their price just so that the cheapo lucid vaporware would still be more expensive then the Model S. even after fed incentives Tesla's price is lower, even though Tesla has sold so many cars it no longer qualifies for fed incentives. That is a killer price for the S. .
It is a great price. We looked at the S very hard. I love the body styling. Looks like it's going 300 mph sitting still. The air suspension is amazing. I have to agree with some of the reviewers that the inside console area is starting to feel slightly dated. It has great range which I suspect will go up considerably in a few years. It's a physically large vehicle with a ton of space. There was a time when that fit us but it no longer does. I have and will keep my 4Runner for offroading, hunting, fishing, and in town stuff hauling, so the Y size bump isn't really needed either. The 3 really fits what we need for now. and this refresh comes at a perfect rime. I still won't order until November or so. There's no hurry. PS, I didn't want the M3P, lighting fast, less range, replace the baloney skins every 3 months or every other pothole. With the M3 AWD LR moving from 4.4s to 4.2 zero to 60, you can add the acceleration boost for $2 and boost from 4.2s to 3.7s zero to 60 and still have 18" aeros and LR battery and a much cheaper total price and a vehicle that's almost as fast as a P. If you wanted that sort of thing. I'm going to be the guy attempting to see how many miles I can get out of a charge. OK, embarrassing the occasional Ferarri might be in there as well.
It appears that the first "documented" 2021 Model 3 has been delivered in the USA. The video is nothing special other than confirming one of the first USA 2021 deliveries. I'm still at 6-10 weeks from a Oct 22 order date. No hurry. New refresh items are pretty nice. Looks like we'll also be getting 5G in the vehicle as well among all the other changes.
It's unproven that it's turned on, but the Cypress chip that enables 5G reception is installed and may be software enabled later. Here is one of a few articles. Also, they just confirmed the 2021 M3 has the new 82 kWh battery pack with the newer Panasonic cells. As I was typing, just got a Tesla text moving my delivery date estimate from 6-10 weeks to 2-5 weeks.
Gotta get it done by Q4 2020 ... <GRINS> Suggestions: Tesla Owners Online - technically oriented, Tesla owners. It is Canadian-nice with draconian moderators. Still it is where the technical Tesla owners hang out. Hydrogen fool-cell advocates will be blind folded and left in an isolated forest glen with no directions or survival gear. InsideEVs | Electric Vehicle News, Reviews, and Reports - through 'news collectors' with an OK forum. It is a good place to see what is going on. Just the last hydrogen fool-cell advocate was banned due to their abusive postings. Home - Tesla Motors Club - they try but are infested with butt-posters who blame the driver first. If you like walking bare foot across sand burrs in shorts to sit down in a cool poison ivy patch, here is your forum. I stopped going there as the ratio of technical content to butt-posters makes it unattractive. Your mileage may vary but it is a great place for any hydrogen fool-cell advocate to recruit. Their users aren't bright enough to question the sophisticated assertions of hydrogen fool-cell advocates. Bob Wilson
Thanks for those. I started reading and following all three almost a year ago. TOO is nice. I wish it was more active. InsideEVs I've followed but completely missed the forums. I'll check, thanks! TMC. I've read nearly every post, yup. I do like the targeted topics that come up and the wide range. I've been on discussion forums since the pre-Internet dial up days. I don't suffer fools or trolls there or here, and while there are ignorant a-hole users, there are a lot more with good info. Right now I'm taking more info than I'm giving.
I just got my VIN number! 2021 Model 3 LR AWD, Red w/ black interior, no FSD. Ordered Oct 22nd and VIN on Nov 24th. Not too bad. Just waiting on the delivery arrangements.