Brake system help

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by Evan Priest, Nov 8, 2020.

  1. Evan Priest

    Evan Priest New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
    2002 Prius
    Not exactly sure what I did, but I did it. Dashboard lit up like a @*$% christmas tree. Not a single thing was lit until I fixed the back brakes and "attempted" to bleed the system. Couple years ago I busted a wheel cylinder and was in a rush to fix it. Not being able to get the parts in a timely fashion, I decided to cut the rear rubber brake lines and stuff them with wire and clamped it down. No issues whatsoever, other than a hard front brake. However going through one michigan winter without back brakes really made me reconsider my action. So I completely redid my back brakes, new backing plates, shoes, drums, springs, cylinders, rubber brake hoses that I snipped, and the metal brake line that goes from the rubber brake hose to the cylinder. Okay, so after I get everything reinstalled i was done for the day. Later that night I go out to my car and start it up to get some warmth while I smoke a cigarette. Both the brake light and abs light were lit up, questioning Wth, I remember I forgot to hook up one of the abs sensors. I hop out, hook it up, restart the car, but both lights remain. I say whatever and wait till morning. Once morning comes, I go to bleed the brakes, thinking maybe that might fix the lights. I couldn't find any information anywhere on a correct sequence to do this, or any good information regarding 1st gen prius brake bleeding. What I did find was telling me to have the car in on position but not started, and basically bleed it like a regular vehicle. So I started with rear driver side, then rear passenger, front driver, front passenger. I had hooked up a bottle and had my wife pump the brakes for me while I opened and closed bleeder valves. The rear wheels bled very nicely, but somewhere at like 3 or 4 pumps the car would make a long high pitched alert sound, and then the red triangle of death got added to the light count. Figuring ignorantly again, "it will go away" I continue to the front brakes! Whenever my wife hit the brakes and I cracked the valve, it was acting like it was just stabilized, it wasnt moving in or out, until a few more pumps. Thought weird and moved on. Now I've got 3 lights on, the brakes are working just fine. I've drove about 50 miles on them already and theres no problems they act as they should, maybe the pedal is a little soft, but maybe that's just in comparison to having no back breaks for almost 2 years. So why am I lit up like a christmas tree? I tried pushing the parking brake and as it got more tension it suddenly gave in and now my parking brake doesnt work at all, I followed the parking brake cable and see no issues. I tightened the cable adjuster nut thing where the e brake pulls on it. Not sure if I installed a shoe incorrectly which is effing with the way the cable works? It all seems hooked up right, I even disassembled and reassembled it just to make sure everything was seated right. This is my first time changing drums and shoes on ANY vehicle believe it or not, I even redid most of the suspension on this baby over the last few weekends. So I'm not going to say I DIDNT reassemble it wrong. But it was a little stiff too. The "OEM" shoes I got had a weld right in the way of the pivoting mcjigger that connects to the e brake, so I had to grind that off, but it still seems a little stiff, how loose of play does that little pivoting thang need? Anyways, I got 3 lights and then the ps warning on the screen decided to pop up on top of it all, not sure Wth. Oh right also I jumped hole4 to hole13 on the odm2 port for diagnostics, got code abs 33, 34, 41, uhhhhh..... something and something and something else. I'll have to get back at you with the other codes. But also tried resetting codes by pressing brake 8 times in 5 seconds like I've read to do with 2gen. Nothing happened. And that's when I started getting ps issues, and yes I made triple sure I had the jumper going to the correct ports. Is there a way I can just properly bleed the system and make the lights go away, or is this another issue. I cant get techstream, I dont have a laptop, and I dont have money to pay an effin dealer to do brake work. This is my only vehicle and I'm going to continue to use it. I have a newborn, cant afford a new car, I need to figure this out. I can upload pictures of my brake setup at a later time so maybe you can point out, "hey idiot, your pivoting bracket doohickey, isnt aligned properly with your actuating flux capacitor which electronically engages your all mechanical e brake system." Basically I just mean I don't know what I'm doing with back brakes, or apparently bleeding hybrid systems.
  2. Nelsonprius

    Nelsonprius Junior Member

    Jan 28, 2019
    Nelson, BC Canada
    2001 Prius
    Sorry this is happening, I can't help with brakes.
    I think the triangle , PS lights are unrelated to brakes, just a coincidence.

    Unfortunately owning a Prius requires at least a OBDII reader and smartphone with Dr Prius app to identify faults.
    Let us know your area, maybe someone with one can help you out?
    If you don't get answers here, try posting on Facebook's Prius DIY or other page
  3. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Never too late to look in the repair manual. We've got a wiki page full of tips for convenient access.
  4. Josey

    Josey Active Member

    Jun 10, 2019
    2003 Prius
    I'd also suggest paragraphs. I probably can't help w the issue. But I didn't read it all. I can't (won't?) read a block of text that huge and packed together.
  5. Evan Priest

    Evan Priest New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
    2002 Prius
  6. Evan Priest

    Evan Priest New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
    2002 Prius
    I'm sure you're right about the ps not being related, the triangle of death light came on as bleeding the brakes so I do think that is related. My best guess is theres air caught in between some of the sensors or something, previous to starting the bleed process I had no idea priuses had a different braking system. Driving the car has revealed that the ps light is not a fault, the ps is giving out only when I turn the wheel while not moving forward. Like trying to get out of a tight space with the wheel cranked, I did change the inner and outer tie rods and got a dang straight alignment the weekend before and drove without any issues at all, could it be that because I worked on the back brakes with only the rear jacked up that the weight on the front wheels caused rack damage? That would explain the time sequence of the ps going bad. Also I do have a vee peek obd2 connector and the torque light app as well as dr prius. However the torque light app doesnt even seem like it does anything, and the dr prius app only tells me battery issues, is there another version of this app that tells me more? Or am i just missing something? Thank you so much for the time you took for your reply,
  7. Evan Priest

    Evan Priest New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
    2002 Prius
    Bahahahahaha I apologize, I'm new to this. And I agree completely, I was just trying to get as detailed about what happened as possible.

    Thanks chap, believe it or not reading your comments to other peoples issues over the years has helped me tremendously with my prius and I appreciate you and all you do here.
    #7 Evan Priest, Nov 10, 2020
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2020
  8. Evan Priest

    Evan Priest New Member

    Nov 8, 2020
    2002 Prius
    Also chap is there a way I can get a hard copy of the manual?