Adding a lot of additional charging in high density areas, but still waiting for more I-40 holes to be filled.
hopefully @orenji will be along soon to put a hydrogen spin on this. Hey! maybe we can help; "hey! comparred to tesla's 20,000 stations? there are 2 or 3 hundred hydrogen stations now !!! (ok, only ~ 40ish public in Cali for cars, all the rest are for private research, nasa, private industry, military, etc)" "hey! the Mirai is only $50K !!! (if you get fed & state incentives which eventually run out, & you can't get if your taxation status puts you into the Alt Min Tax group, which many mid income fall into - & you can buy new teslas for less, where you DON'T have to depend on any incentives for a car that can't drive you out of state or refill for free after incentives run out, where you'll then pay $10-$15/litre hydrogen gas has to be paid out of pocket {more than gasoline} - & after just 4 years, depreciation ... yea ... roughly 100%) - and besides, Tesla long distance supercharging? that's not quite a dozen coming on line EVERY DAY for the last 5 years. big deal (hydrogen cars, WE average over 7 every year {heavily subsidized}... woo hoo !!) Saved a lot of verbage / typing there for ya ... & yer welcome! .
Love how these pictures show such uncrowded and available Superchargers just waiting to be used. So is it that these pictures are fake and Tesla produced or is it that there are truly not that many Tesla’s on the road?! These pictures remind of how it is when I go to my Hydrogen station and pull in and out in about 3 minutes once a week. Such a great feeling to drive a true luxury car and spend no money for fuel - for 1095 days!
Like gas stations, Superchargers being busy vary with time and location. Unlike gas stations, the car knows if a certain Supercharger location is busy. Toyota and the hydrogen lobby would be overjoyed if hydrogen stations were busy, as that would mean people are buying the cars.
On the road? They can only run where there are hydrogen stations. Even with just a few thousand sold, they are bound to cross paths when concentrated that way.
apologies - for forgetting to add the fake photoshopped denihilist alibi to the list of verbiage above. My bad true sometimes in those pockets, I may see a different one at least once per month - especially after the municipal & county & personal leases ran out, and no one organization wanted to keep them or purchase them having depreciated so much in value. .
Except I can't recall the last time I was at a gas station and waited 5 minutes for a fill up ...until I go back to the Carter administration. OTOH, I've had area wide electric outages several times lasting days as a result of storms that might have affected gas pumping but certainly would have affected EV charging. But since I almost always have the equivalent of a full charge of a M3 long range in my car's gas tank, it was no bother.
Yes, on the road ... not EVERY one thinks they're only seen in volume at the crusher. (sorry - a weak moment humor in poor taste) .
Lets see, a 2021 M3 long range is 353 mile range EPA. So you go to the gas station every few days to keep the tank topped up so you have at least that? That's a lot of wasted time. If a hurricane or high winds are on the way with the M3, the driver plugs in over night and has that 353 miles of range ready to go. That's a better solution and no other panicked drivers queuing up at the pump to fill.
In my case, we had a 1.1 kW inverter in our 2003 Prius; So we burned about 2 gal/day to 'camp out' at home' over 4 days and 6 hours. I bring this up only to suggests vehicle-to-grid is not terribly efficient but BETTER THAN CURSING THE DARKNESS. Bob Wilson
Why aren't hydrogen stations busy like some gas stations? Not sure what this has to do with whether a refueling station is busy or not.