Finally got my hands on this little red gem of an upgrade. I will upload pictures and video soon. Gonna go get a nice 0w20 oil change and slap her in!!!
Am I reading this correctly from the box? "IMPROVED SIGNIFICANTLY AND SFFICIENTLY" I hope their engineering and quality contol are better than their English.
lol i saw that. Its made in china. like everything else. Big improvement on my G2. Will be even bigger improvement on a more powerful G3 I would bet.
I haven't had a Gen-2 in a few years, so haven't been keeping up with what's going on over there. What does this do? Improve power, efficiency, both?
yes I see an increase in power and really much faster engine response in the mid band like 40-50 miles an hour and if you need to pass a car the engine is right there. probably much bigger benefit in a more powerful G3. Really easy to install. It has made the car alot more fun to drive not so doggy. It increases the oil flow to rotate the intake cam to advance timing quicker then stock. That's a tricky proposition on a regular engine and not have it ping but apparently the atkission motor really responds well to that. The g2 needs all the help it can get lol.
Well yes when Im speeding around lol... But I did a CC test over 5 miles on a rolling small hill highway and got 58 mpgs.
Sorry been busy driving around testing obviously the Red Bullet but also a Lithium hybrid battery from Dr Prius. The Red Bullet has made the car quicker for sure and its really fun to have a quicker prius than the rest. Now that the lithium battery is in it is even quicker. Hands down a must have for any prius owner. Who cares about typos and the actual color of the product as long as it makes the engine respond better is all that matters. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It works good in my little G2 slug. It must be a whole lot of fun in a G3. The atkison cycle motor really responds to extra timing advance and no pinging! Its an interesting little motor.
Sorry if that came across as bashing/bad mouthing -- I didn't mean it that way. It was more like pointing out the obvious blunder of a guy walking up on stage with a trail of toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
No I saw that too when it came in......does not make you feel all warm and fuzzy at first but eh China..... But the solenoid itself looks very well made.
Do you have data or measurements that led to this conclusion? If so I'd like to see those, for both of these modifications.
I can tell the difference in response when I drive it. You are either with it or without it. Eco mode would feel sluggish before. Now it feels like normal or power mode. You can not Dyno the prius I believe. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Awesome, now that person needs to buy a Red Bullet and do another dyno. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Why would you need a dyno? Just put the stock solenoid in, find a quiet stretch of road and someone willing to ride along and work a stopwatch and do a few acceleration runs to 40 or 50 or 60 mph in each direction. Swap solenoids and do it over again. If the car is "quicker for sure", it should show up pretty clearly and consistently in measured acceleration times.
I imagine it could even log other variables like pedal input and battery SoC at the same time, no? How many variables can it datalog, and at what polling rate?