Hi there What is really inside a 3rd gen brake master cylinder How does it work I have repaired a gen 2 abs pump and it works perfectly I want to give a try on 3rd gen abs pump Information Will be appreciated Thanks
replace the ABS , abnromal leakage c1391 usually the accumulator is leaking oil, so need to be replaced
The gen 3 "master cylinder" is part of a whole assembly, the upper unit of these two: This diagram is from the New Car Features manual, which you probably will want to get your own hands on if you are serious. That upper assembly encompasses several things in that diagram: the master cylinder itself with integral "hydraulic brake booster", everything shown in the "brake actuator" dotted outline, the "stroke simulator", and also the brake ECU. The pump motor and accumulator are in a different assembly (the lower one, in my first pic), and the reservoir just mounts up by the wiper cowl.