Yeah, with my winter tires and rims that have no sensors in them, my car did pick-up the stored summer tire's sensor IDs. The car notices that sensors are missing after ~20min or so, I end up not having any error light for the first 20min. Next time I change my winter tires, I plan to use the Autel sensors just like you but was wondering "cloning" is a good idea or not.
Since they seem to be reprogrammable, I guess you could try it and then change them to unique IDs if it's a problem. The OEM sensors put out a strong signal. While I was testing the car was able to pick up one sensor from down the street.
But, to program the sensor, it has to be out of the tire. That would be too much work for me. I wouldn't be needing a new set of snow tires at least a couple more seasons, so I have more time to think about what to do. lol
I think you might be able to program them in the tire, although I haven't tested it. I programmed them on the floor, holding the tool next to the sensors. I didn't put the sensor in the holder at the end of the tool.
That's good to know. When the time comes, I might install the Autel sensors with unique IDs first, then try to reprogram them to clone IDs later. That way, I don't have to uninstall the sensors, and if it can not be reprogrammed I can just live with two sets of tires with unique IDs.
I had the Autel sensors installed yesterday, and they seem to be working. For anyone else considering them, note that most tire shops probably don't have the Autel tool to program/clone them. But once they are programmed to the type of vehicle, they seem to be recognizable with any universal tool. The shop threw away all the hardware for the Denso sensors, so now I need to buy service kits for them to replace it before I return them. I'm not sure if the seller cares, or if they will just throw the sensors away, but I don't want to risk not getting $120 back. I bought them on Amazon, sold by, but they drop shipped from a non-amazon distributor.
That's good to know. Thanks for letting us know. I am planing to use 4 Autel sensors on new rims with snows on my son's car. Good luck with Amazon return. FYI, I have never had any problem with their returns. The best return policy in the industry, but sometimes I wonder how they can make any money doing what they are doing. Oh, yeah, Bezos is making plenty of money either you keep or return the merchandise, maybe it's just some poor sellers who are losing money on the transaction.
Autel Mx1 sensor has to be at zero psi in order to program it. With that said I have program my sensors while mount in the tire with the value steam remove. I have a TS608 but I would think the TS508 and TS501 should work the same. I have clone and auto create the sensor without any problems. If you don't want to relearn the ecu with the new tpms ID then cloning is your best bet. Just copy each sensor and program the Mx1 sensor by Autel or copy the sensor IDs from the ecu via OBD.