Hi guys I wanted to see if anyone has installed the tail gate leds yet and I wanted to see what I was getting my self into they do look straightforward but I’ll show you guys the after install
Also for anyone that wants to install a really good sub with out giving up space I highly highly recommend getting the jbl basspro hub the sub sits in the spare tire so you’re not giving up no space and it sounds so freaking amazing. If anybody want to see pics and can post some
Sure here it is https://m.aliexpress.com/item/33022964204.html?srcSns=sns_Copy&spreadType=socialShare&bizType=ProductDetail&social_params=20009289926&tt=MG&aff_platform=default&sk=_mOcieu5&aff_trace_key=200074d3af524664aaf7ae3c0d4e01cf-1608372968748-02596-_mOcieu5&shareId=20009289926&businessType=ProductDetail&platform=AE&terminal_id=fe6ec2c431a045bc86cdd4654335af85