In terms of where Toyota go with 5th Generation ... they either need to produce a much better PHEV (or possibly BEV) or alternately a much more efficient HEV. The later is a definite possibility because Toyota is very much focused on HEV for the Prius but more importantly for their entire line-up. So the 5th Gen Prius may be used to push the envelope further with another 15% improvement in HEV efficiency .. perhaps in part by taking thermal efficiency from the current 40% to 45%. The obvious technology for this is free valve or cam-less valves, as this gives much more freedom to improve efficiency, improve power (or reduce size) and also reduce weight. If Toyota were to initially release this in the Prius in low volumes (thanks to Gen 4 body style) then it could be migrated to other models down the track and I think that is where Toyota are really focused because hybrid has been very successful for them across their range and in many markets. Having said that I can find no market information to indicate Toyota are going down this path and they would have to be already very well progressed to make a 2022 release ... so perhaps this will take more time to develop.
I just wish they'd take a break from "pushing the envelope" for one gen, address the Homermobile this thing has become.
+1.... But to be fair this is true of of more cars than just the Prius. Personally? I'm thinking that there will not BE a G5 - at least not a wireless one.
Those are banned. Yes...I call the regular-old garden variety Priuses....the "wireless" kind. NOT "wire-free" @bisco.... Wire-LESS. That means that the soy-based wiring will still taste like Doritos to mieces.....
Or they apply that repellent sheathing to everything. Seems like realities of car ownership, like road salt and rats, don't much worry them?
I doubt you will find a Toyota with Honda Rodent Tape from the factory. They are the only current source of which I am aware.
Thats was the reason I jumped ship . I had owed 3 prius . A gen 2 and 2 gen 3 went for 4th gen no spare tire was a del breaker for me Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Awd drive had no spare or a place to put one. Thats why I jumped ship to a ford fusion Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The AWD Prius did kinda abysmal in one test video. And they lost me with that dog-in-manger rear inverter loc'n.
That is why I bought a 4th Gen with a spare. The Trim Three also had a spare. You were not trying hard enough.
It seems like the levels with spare are eroding. Up here there's only 4 levels now, base and advanced, with/without AWD, and only base without AWD has spare. Well they could do some engineering, mod the body and suspension, make a proper space for it. My take: it's a minimum effort, minimum investment bolt-on, out with the spare, in with the inverter. And lacklustre test results of the AWD capability beg the question: is it mostly sales gimmick?
I pray the 5th gen Prius designers don't get wind of this: Review update: 2021 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid gets 50 MPG, in a look loud enough for social distancing But they probably have.