Neither of my fobs unlock the doors by clicking the fob buttons or automatically when up close to the car doors. The fobs also won't start the motor unless inserted into the dash slot. The doors will lock mechanically though. I am driving the car alot less so could the car battery be a factor, although it did start once the fob was in the slot? 2005 Prius 44,560 miles Thanks for any suggestions.
The little button disables only the proximity function. ( ability to start engine or open door with key in pocket). The remote buttons for lock/unlock the doors should continue to work no matter where the little button position is. If both remotes do not work anymore I would start on the car end and not on the remotes. Except if you did something to both remotes at the same time like washing them or putting them in a strong magnetic field.
sadly, it was not the little button under the steering wheel. next step is trying a new fob battery. fingers crossed that by coincidence both fobs are simply dead. the backup one could have been dead a while just sitting in the drawer.