Yesterday, I went to get in my 2008. I used the key fob to unlock, got in with all door lights, clock etc working. Put foot on brake and pushed to start. Everything in the car went dead ( clock, display, etc) and key fob wouldn’t work. I couldn’t figure out what was going on so went to access 12v battery (3 months old) in back. As I was removing the covers, the door light and red light on dash came on. The car then started, no problem. This happened twice yesterday. Today I went out, car was dead, no clock or lights.I tested the battery 12.4, unhooked it and put on trickle charger. It started blinking like the battery needed charging. Left it on maybe 20 minutes and it turned solid green. Rehooked battery and car started. Changed out the key fob battery. Drove to store. Car was dead after 20 minutes shopping. Unhooked and rehooked battery. The positive clamp seemed a little loose when I undid it. Tightened the nuts and the car started. Any idea what it could be? I’ve been careful to not leave anything on and lock my car every time I get out with no warning sounds. The only thing I noticed is the green light on the rear view mirror home buttons was on. Maybe it’s always been? I don’t know but I saw it for the first time today. I switched it off.
couple things: the battery could be bad, keep an eye on the voltage. you shouldn't have to keep topping it up unless you aren't driving much, in which case you'd need a maintainer. a car driven most every day should see at least 12.7v when 3 months old, unless it wasn't charged properly when you bought it. 2) make sure the neg to body connection is clean and tight, as well as the battery clamps. 3) you might have a short somewhere, draining the battery.
Do you know if the home link button being lit could have run it down? I’ve only had to charge it once. Fingers crossed.
I believe you are referring to what the manual describes as the "auto anti-glare function", which is only on rear view mirrors equipped with the Home Link system. The green light for the function should be lit only when the car is in Ready or IG-ON mode. Otherwise, it should be off, even in ACC mode. The manual says it can be turned off, but I believe it only stays off until you turn the car off. When you press the Power button again to start the car, the green light will turn on again by itself. If your car exhibits behavior that is different than this, you might have a problem that would best be addressed by the dealer, but I don't believe anyone else in this forum has reported any issues with this particular piece of electronics.
How many hours per week are you driving currently? Could be the combination meter (speedometer) is finally going out.
I don’t drive but a few miles everyday but I have been intermittently having the display go black, then doing the whole open the door, lock the locks magic trick to make it come back. I’m wondering how that would cause a complete lack of power though.
A common problem......that fits your symptoms perfectly. Sometimes the connection at the OTHER end of the main battery cables is the culprit too.
A loose connection can absolutely cause your symptoms. I would suggest getting a cheap digital multimeter and leaving it in the glove box. If you ever have this happen again, test for voltage at the underhood jumpstart point. That will tell you what the car is receiving. Then test at the battery. For example if you have say 5V underhood but 12.4V at the battery, then you have a bad connection somewhere. If voltage is low at both points then the battery is "just" discharged. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
At some point a failed/failing combination meter will prevent the vehicle from going into 'ready' leaving you stranded, and no known 'tricks' will fix that. Either attempt a DIY speedometer repair (replacing capacitors yourself), or purchase an already fixed combination meter with a lifetime warranty here : Prius Speedometer Replacement What make/model is your 12v battery charger?