Currently playing whack a mole... Was thinking, is there anybody who offers a service where I could send them a module and they could load test it, and send me back modules that match it for strength? Thinking it could save some time + money vs just buying random ebay modules and hoping for a match. I need 8 for my pack.
Maybe I could do a load test with specific variables on my end also, cut out the need to send a test module
There are companies that will sell you 28 "balanced" modules. But I have never seen a company match a random module. It is much easier to buy 28 modules for yourself and then resell the others if you're intent on playing whack-a-mole.
Is your intention to replace the modules with no cycling of the remaining modules? Or will you be performing 3+ cycles of each module? If you plan to cycle them using a hobby charger, you can use the data to get an average capacity of the good modules. If you cycle them, use a 1.5 amp discharge and 2 amp charge. I have hundreds of modules available that have been cycled using those setpoints and each module has it's capacity documented on it. It would be easy to match up. Testing just one random module is risky, as there is no guarantee it's capacity will be even close to the other modules
I'm an hour south of you and could do something similar of that. Processing modules is a small community effort down here. And I'm more interested in helping/having lasting friends than ripping people off, so hit me up...
Hybrid Automotive tries to select used modules close in mileage to your current ones. Replacement Toyota Prius/Camry Module | Hybrid Automotive
While this is helpful in theory... In practice most healthy modules that are a decade or older don't show much detectable difference unless they're starting to fail. In my experience the greatest difference in used moduels is if they've been reconditioned or not. A healthy reconditioned module, which is primarily what people sell doesn't do well in a pack that hasn't been reconditioned yet because it has much more capacity than un-reconditioned modules. So as the pack drains while climbing a hill for example the red triangle may show up due to reconditioned module holding a higher voltage than rest of pack.
ive been cycling and rehabbing, but from the ebay modules ive found and the ones in my pack, it seems like aH capacity doesnt necessarily correlate to performance on a load test... i have much higer capacity modules that drop significantly more than less capacity modules and are throwing block weak codes, which from what im reading isnt uncommon, sounds like load test is the most determinant of modules playing well together
@kenneth winter If you were asking me, yes, I do. What is the first 4 digits of your serial numbers? I can see if I have close date matches with that desired capacity.
@kenneth winter I think I have what you need. The information below is from a battery that had 28 modules with date code 17XJ which is October 17, 2008. Yours are date coded 097J which is July 9, 2008. Unfortunately, my laptop is coming up with an error code every time I try to open any MicroSoft Office files, so my excel sheets with the data aren't available right now. After cycling a pack, I put small stickers on each module documenting it's capacity. First number is capacity from the sticker, second number is the current voltage of the module (as of about 1pm today). These modules were cycled during Fall of 2020 and then put on a shelf. All 28 are still clamped in an OEM assembly. Pick which ones you want. One year guarantee, $30 each + $15 for a USPS Medium Flat Rate box that can hold up to 8 modules. 6068mah--7.59v 6369--------7.66 6151--------7.67 6145--------7.67 6313--------7.66 6409--------7.66 6095--------7.67 6278--------7.66 6309--------7.66 6436--------7.66 6084--------7.66 6279--------7.66 6240--------7.66 6390--------7.65 6196--------7.66 6460--------7.66 6208--------7.66 6401--------7.65 6260--------7.66 6107--------7.66 6056--------7.66 6420--------7.66 6337--------7.66 6370--------7.66 6140--------7.66 6329--------7.65 6098--------7.65 6067--------7.59
@kenneth winter The PM (start a conversation) function hasn't been working correctly (at least for me) for months. If you click on my user name, it should show you my mobile number. That number is linked to one of my paypal accounts.