I have a 2009 & lots of codes being thrown (abs,vsc, brake (!) I was just curious since I don't know the actual codes yet. But the brakes are bad all the way around & was hearing stories of people having to turn on the bleeding action of the rears to fix the light issue. Any help I would appreciate .
"Lots of codes" doesn't help anybody identify your problem. "These are the codes I have" would help. In general, there isn't much reason to think "fake bleeding" will do anything for you. There is one particular code in Gen 3 that it can be useful for, but that wouldn't help you. What are the codes?
Have you tried scanning for OBD2 codes (DTCs) by using techstream with your mini-vci cable? Never heard of 'fake bleeding', and didn't do a search. Would you happen to have a link to any of these 'stories' ? You can always bleed the rear brakes using the 'prius rock' method. Take it slow, as you don't want to damage the accumulator.
Gen 3 has a flavor of invalid mode that you can get into, that requires you to complete a bleed procedure to get back out. It is indicated by a particular evil code that cannot be cleared by any other method, including battery disconnection. Because I got in there one time and I knew I had not opened the system anywhere, I just fired up the bleed procedure in Techstream and clicked through all the "do this and click next" without really doing any of it. Made the code go away. But that's a very special and unusual case, and I don't know if Gen 2 even has that mode.
Ok I will get back to you, as I will be over there late next week with the car to give more indepth details of codes & such.