A little back story. This 2006 prius has been sitting for years. I got it with hopes of making it run again. I dont really know why it was parked and never driven again so maybe it never worked to begin with. So I've pumped out all the old gas and put new gas in. I found on craigslist a new-used hybrid and 12 volt battery. After installing the new batteries The display on the prius shows that the hybrid battery is at 70% charge and i have papers backing up that the battery is good due it being tested by a Toyota dealership. The 12 volt is giving out 12.7 volts with the car on. So when I press the brake pedal and press the start button the dash lights up and has all the lights staying on no large red exclamation mark sign. But i want shift it into drive or reverse it only goes into neutral or park. The start button stay orange but not green. I cant get the car to drive or at least turn the ICE engine over. Furthermore I cant get any engine codes to show up there might not be any. I've also went into the diagnostic screen on the head unit and i get no errors when it scans the 3 modules or whatever that process it called. Im kind of at a loss and I would appreciate any tips or help.
You have to get "Ready" to come on to drive or start the engine. Sometimes people do not completely engage the hv batteries safety interlock.
Its a two step process as shown. Often people miss the last step. Be sure the brake lights come on or it won't go to Ready. There is a backdoor to the brake sensor, just hold the Power button down for a few seconds if that is the issue. Also make sure it is in Park, not Neutral. If you get a good scanner app you should be able to read the hv battery voltage and read more hybrid codes that the low cost plugin scanners miss. I use "Car Scanner" app and a good bluetooth adapter. See pdf of some of the live data from that app.
The app you are using is it paid virsion? and what dongle are you using? I am lost which one to buy.... i have one but doesnt read everything... have you ever tried Dr.Prius app?
Do you get "Ready"? As stated above "Car Scanner", I also have "Dr Prius" but it only has battery live data.
I get Ready after clearing the code only, then I can start the car and drive perfectly fine, but triangle and red car (!) those signs comes up while driving... but nothing happens... all is good. error code was P0AA6. start button doesnt go green at all though..