I’ve got a 2012 with 87K on it and I don’t see any evidence of using oil yet so my question is should I still replace the PCV when I install the OCC or wait till it actually starts using oil?
It's an $8-10 part, and pretty easy to change, if you're going to have the intake manifold off. But if you can get to easily, wouldn't hurt to change it with a new Toyota one. For some reason, cleaning it doesn't seem to do much. For any car. So for peace of mind, and possibly to eliminate a problem down the road, change it.
I've shot carb cleaner through ours twice now (and reused); seems fine. Only 88k kms though. But who knows, maybe the internal spring weakens over time? And yeah, the replacement part's around $10. Don't cheap out; get genuine Toyota part, say from dealership parts department. New ones come with thread sealer applied. When I reinstalled ours I applied a little loctite blue with oil resistance (not the "permanent" red stuff). You don't absolutely have to I think, it just keeps from having an oil bloom where it screws in.
I agree. I would replace if you are able to get to it. No sense waiting until it starts using oil to replace it.