I have a 2010 prius with 145000 miles on it. Today I was driving home and noticed It only had one gas bar left so I filled up the gas completely. I turned on the car and noticed it only had 3 bars and dte was 140 miles, instead of 10 bars with 450+ dte. I made sure I filled it up all the way (filled over 8 gallons) and restarted the car and finally it showed the full bars. However, the display to empty still showed as "140miles" , instead of 450+ miles. I am asking here before I take my car to the dealership on Monday. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you!!
Was the ignition turned completely off the entire time you were refueling? Turning it on to get readings while filling out my log book on my Subaru has caused this snag, though I don't have a similar answer for my Prius. I'd suggest not thinking about this until after the next refueling, to see if it resets itself and gets back on track. That works for mine. And that might be the dealership's first suggestion too. Though I must admit that I don't see this as important enough for a service visit.
Just ignore it. Distance to empty is a meaningless gimmic. But if it really bothers you, I agree with @fuzzy1: let it go for a while, then refill and see if it resets.
My 2010 takes a little bit of time to calculate the DTE. However the gauge itself should update right away. That being said, I’d add a bottle of Techron to the tank, as they “claim” it helps keep the sending unit clean, according to the bottle. Besides, if that works, it’s a lot cheaper then the trip to the stealership.
Did you press the refuel button? If you don't the car trys to ignore the level sensor if goes up to much as gas moves up in down in the tank, the refuel button tells the computer to reset the gas level and miles, not sure if you car has such a button but i think it does, if you did then i would just ignore it as is means nothing anyway.
Thank you everyone. I drove around this past weekend and checked dte and it is finally updated- 458 miles!