Can someone please help. I have torque pro with gen 3 pids downloaded. I can select battery voltage banks 1-14 but they display no data. I have checked with a spreadshdet someone had on here but still i cant get them to show my volts. Desperatley need to record some battery volts. I have torque pro running on 2 android phones and im using a blue elm 327 obd bluetooth device.
Did it work before, if not do you have access to another Bluetooth adapter, mine worked fine on a second gen Prius, and 3rd without issues
Ive sorted it. Its the adaptor. Its a single layer adaptor which isnt good enough. Ordered a prolong one
I have had good luck with the OBDlink lx bluetooth. I had the same issue with the elm 327 you did. My OBDlink lx has run well for a year with no issues, but it was a bit pricy. 50 ish bucks.