I have a Prius 2012 "Prius Two" - this according to Toyota where I bought it nearby. My question is, and they do not know, is there an after-market covid separator screen to separate driver from the backseat? I would like to get one and have it installed. Anyone have any notion? Thanks.
They are available, seen a few online. I think Lyft was going to supply them for their highest rated drivers? Google is your friend here.
There are thousands of Prius cars used as taxicabs, so aftermarket suppliers of taxi barriers (also called taxi dividers or taxi partitions) have compatible products, though many of these are designed to protect the driver from violence rather than pathogens, so they may cost more, require more permanent attachment to the car, and allow more air circulation, than you’d prefer. In Europe, Toyota now sells a lightweight taxi divider that can fit third-generation Prius cars—see their blog posting and installation instructions (PDF)—but it doesn’t seem to be in the U.S. parts system. Your dealer could inquire with Toyota Motor North America; the Toyota part number is PW710-02000.
I've passed some Uber or Lyft drivers out here that are using Saran Wrap or plastic sheeting . Something you can do in the interim while looking for a more permanent solution.