I purchased my 2019 Prius Prime in March 2019 to replace a BMW 328i that had a blown transmission. In the past seven months, I have driven the Prime more than 17,000 miles. If I add up my fuel and electricity costs, the Prime has saved me $1,600 in fuel costs alone over the past seven months (the BMW got 24 MPG and used premium fuel). That should translate to about $2,740 per year! Amazing is the only word I can think of!
Eh - the BWM was lots of fun to drive. The Prius has several features my BMW didn't have though, including all the safety stuff (backup camera, lane departure warning, dynamic cruise control, etc.) But yeah, I do miss the BMW -- the Prius has a lot more difficulty overtaking slower cars on the freeway, etc.
I have two nice BMW's and now a Prius Prime and the Prius impresses me more than I expected. Maybe it was my low expectations but the Toyota engineering is impressive for the price point. Its a fun zippy really useful car.
About the comfort, have you taken a Prime (or any gen 4) for a good long drive? It's infinitely more comfortable than my PiP was. The PiP would set my tailbone on fire in just a few hundred miles. I've done several very comfortable 700+ mile days in the Prime. And last week, when we did over 1,000 miles in a day in my wife's gen 4, I experienced no discomfort at all. (Other than a feeling that the world was still moving after I got out of the car. ) Also, there are different kinds of fun. After many many years of motorcycle riding, I still have never been in a car that would impress me in the acceleration department. They exist, but would cost too many years worth of paychecks to buy.
but in all seriousness, i was trying to be sarcastic. nothing about bmw's appeals to me, but those are the things the fan boys say
Ditto... we have two Mercedes: a roadster and a coupe, but the Prius is a joy to drive and gets the most use!