My 2013 PIP, with 80 K miles, and great shape. In a 25 mph pedestrian zone by our local university, a guy stepped off the curb and the SUV in front of me did the right thing, stopped to let him pass. I was going the limit and not too close so also had no problem stopping, without any dramatics. I had been at a full stop for several seconds, when WHAM, I got smacked from behind and jammed forward into the SUV. A mid sized newer Chevy of some kind was the smackee, on her cell phone or not, I didn't ask. But I'd bet money on it. It turned out all three of us use the same insurance carrier, our local Farm Bureau, big in rural Idaho. all of us had our seatbelts on, but I did lose half a cup of good coffee, all over the inside of the windshield. I had my bike rack plugged into the receiver I had installed, and that took the impact. No bike on it at the time. I built the rack, and could fix it well enough in an hour to be fully functional again, but my rear bumper got a couple deep gouges in it, and one side now has a gap, where it should be tight with the upper body. The front license plate, my extra cost Idaho custom plate (" Idaho, a pilot's paradise" with a picture of a Super Cub on it) is trashed, it took the impact of the SUV's bumper hitch. I'll get a new one, and hammer the mangled one flat enough to put on the shop wall, but the front bumper also has a couple new dings, from getting pushed so hard. I am frankly amazed the damage was not more, the impact was hard enough to make my first thought, "I'll be getting a new Prius!" I'll be getting it looked at by a body shop tomorrow, and I want to make real sure no hidden damage is overlooked. I'm not into outright insurance fraud, but I will squeeze every dime I can out of my/our company, within reason. I have no idea if they can fix plastic bumpers these days, or if they just buy new? I have not raised the hood yet, or even checked the hitch attach brackets that will happen tomorrow. But right now, it took a pretty good hit and seems to have come through just fine, impressive.
Sorry to hear that! Sometimes there is nothing you can do but sit there and hope for the best! There may be more damage to the frame. A good body shop will find any other damage. Good Luck!
Could save a lot of descriptive typing with a good pic or two..... Glad it was a low impact and you're OK.
i think they replace the bumpers, and paint them. i'd bet phone as well. the number of people i observe dwld (driving while looking down) is amazing.
You're lucky everyone has insurance. I had a similar situation this year where I was lightly tapped from the car behind me. It left 2 small holes in bumper, probably from her license plate. If she didn't have insurance, I could have left it alone. But she had good coverage and the bumper was replaced at a cost of around $1,200. The body shop man told me that once a bumper gets hit, it needs to be replaced.
I was rear ended (plowed into) sitting at a light years ago by someone who was high, drunk, with no insurance, license, or registration. Thank goodness my insurance carrier and coverage were tops. Glad to hear you're alright. Wishing you the best!
No pics, because there is not really much to see. My home built e bike rack will be repaired by me, and I will get paid for my hour or two labor direct by my insurer. Luckily I didn't have my custom built fat e bike racked, THAT would have pissed me off, as I would have been bike less for a few weeks waiting on parts. I know the body shop owner, and he is real sharp, he immediately pointed out something I had missed in my cursory inspection: the crash bar behind the front bumper, in front of the radiator, has a major bow in it. Symmetrical appearing, but it's supposed to be straight! It did it's job and saved more damage while absorbing impact, from the center punch of the SUV's trailer hitch on my front license plate area. A new front bumper and crash bar at minimum is likely, and maybe more after a closer look. The rear bumper most likely also, and maybe the trailer hitch as it is bent down a bit, though I'd be Ok with beating it straight, I'm more concerned about the Prius structure, and was assured it will be checked out. The entire process is pretty casual, everyone will come out OK financially, my old bumpers had some previous nicks and dings before this recent damage, so I have no complaints with getting new ones. IF the smackee was NOT insured, it for sure would be more stressful. The body shop owner, when told how big a Prius fan I am, "got it" immediately, and told me a good story about a world class drag racer who competed all over the US and was very big time in that sport. When in his '80's, and still racing...., the bod shop owner had occasion to pay him a visit at his home, and was stunned to see his personal daily driver was a Prius!
true - but when the person that causes your loss has the same Insurance Company as you? Get ready for a good year or more as you fight & fight with the company. After all, the same company that insures you certainly isn't going to sue itself when the same insurance company represents the perpetrator. Here's the first example. Our renters in Nolensville, just south of Nashville - they burned down our home a couple years ago - it was supposed to be our retirement home; Then last year, another wonderful person driving a Dodge Hellcat - slammed into the rear of our plug-in minivan after we had stopped on the freeway due to heavy construction. A couple seconds later Wham.; Ummmm - "like a good neighbor"?? Once again, State Farm was not there. They took every opportunity to low-ball us on what was a nearly brand-new plug-in minivan with all the options, much less the injury the better ½ still hasn't fully recovered from. This accident is when I found out that State Farm wouldn't pay for diminished value, when the tow truck comes out & and turns it into Carfax. Apparently they get a little Somethin Somethin when they turn it in to Carfax. Now you are obligated to show that your repaired car is not that bad - if you sell your repaired car. Anyway, glad everybody's okay with your mishap. .
But wow, what a spectacular picture! I don't anticipate a problem, and I am not paying one dime out so I won't have to fight to get any money out of them, just a good repair job. If they DO give me a hard time, I''ll pull (or threaten to) my business, homeowners, and 3 auto insurance from them, but I really am not too worried.
So, the PIP has been in the shop since Thursday, and I just got a heads up that it won't be ready until next Thursday, and the total cost will be a bit over 3 K. about half labor and half parts. My outlay for this will be zero so I'm still thinking I'll do OK on the entire deal: getting new front and rear bumpers at the very least. I'm also going to get a re-alignment, and re-imbursement for the mileage I put on my Rav4 I will be driving in the meantime. I will have to explain to my insurance company that the PIP and my work commute, and my free solar power combine to make my driving almost free, whereas the 4 gets mid 20's MPG, that should be interesting. Also interesting, will be to see what got damaged besides the bumpers, or maybe the bumpers cost over $500.00 each, not my problem! While it's at the alignment shop, which is also the Toyota dealer, I will have them install a block heater (that I bought, but I'll let them knock the freeze plug into the block, been there/done that before, for a bit over $100.00). Also, while up on the lift, I will have them show me the trick for getting those bottom panels off without trashing the fasteners. These would be the two largest panels on the left and right sides, mid way back. They are so full of gravel, sand and dirt they were sagging down, I was able to pull out about 2 or 3 gallons worth, but much remains I can't get to. This is from my winter and dirt road driving I assume (not mice). For a vehicle designed for going off pavement, this is not good....oh wait a minute, it's not an SUV? No biggie, I'll check those panels every oil change from now on, once I figure out how to work with what seems to be three different types of fasteners securing them in place.
The block heater goes into a cylindrical hole in the block, with some heat-transfer grease. Not directly immersed in coolant. It's a pain to install, mainly due to the morass of cables directly next to the cavity it goes in. It's good to get it started in (no small feat) then pull it back out, apply the grease and reinsert. It's basically almost impossible. I did it mostly reaching up from below, blind. Plastic fasteners on the underpanels just need some TLC. Pry them out gently, especially if they haven't been out in a long time (if ever). Might be good to have some spares (I can post a tsb with part nos in a bit). For removal I use a paint can lid pry tool mostly; it has a flat blade with 90 degree bend at the tip, good for (gently) levering up the centre cap. When the fasteners are off ALWAYS wash them out in hot/soapy water, clear out all grit. This is what jams them.
"I will have them install a block heater (that I bought, but I'll let them knock the freeze plug into the block, been there/done that before" Not good to let it go into the block, it could block a coolant passage. When we did them for Mercedes, we'd drill a small in the center to keep it from falling in, then hammer and punch one side until it rotated then pulled it out. If you squeeze one, or both of the radiator hoses with the coolant tank cap off, then put it back on it will hold a vacuum and you'll only lose a little coolant.
An aftermarket block heater, still at the store waiting for me to pick it up. ASR DOGMAN: EXACTLY! And having done so once, years ago (but finally fishing it out) I thought the dealer quote was very reasonable, a bargain in fact! Especially after reading other posts about what a PITA it can be. "Prying them off gently", that's the trick?! I do have lots of specialty pry bars and right angle screw drivers though. I was hoping for a special tool or something to preclude the prying part, but I get how it's not worth Toyota's time I guess to make the fasteners more user friendly. Again, (and this a rare attitude for this doeverythingmyselfer) I'll let the dealer mech do it this time. My only concern is that I am allowed to watch him do it, preferably right under the lift with him, we'll see how that goes. If nothing else I'll quiz the service manager ruthlessly. I build airplanes, and we have lots of trick fasteners for removing inspection panels etc., I guess I'm spoiled. When my old panels are cleaned out, I may want to replace them if they remain saggy as hell like now, so a part number would be appreciated. I would also consider making my own fastener system for the panels, something to make it easier next time.
Sometimes it's just wise to let someone else do certain things! It is worth the extra money and peace of mind!
There's holes at each plastic fasteners; if the diameter's copacetic you might be able to install riv-nut. My take though, it's cargo cult; just get used to them, what makes them last, keeps 'em happy.