Cannot figure out what at all is wrong. Bought a 2005 Prius a year and a half ago, it just hit 200K miles. It has been regularly maintained and the hybrid battery has been worked on. Recently I was driving and almost all my warning and dash lights came on. The red triangle on the dash, ABS, traction, check engine, the car with an exclamation point, and another warning on the touch screen. Then the car completely died. Bought a new battery because the old one seemed to be completely dead, it worked for a day then went right back to the warnings etc. it only shows one code on one of the readers which says Fuel Air Metering. We were able to get it to finally run for an hour without any warnings and then they all popped up at once and shut off, with the new battery in it. Has anyone dealt with this or is it just done for.. thank you.
What kind of code reader are you using? I'm under the impression that the generic ones you buy at any autoparts store don't show the hybrid codes, which could be your problem. When the hybrid battery is worked on it's usually because one module went bad. There are 27 other modules just as old and as the one that went bad that are also on their last leg.
We need the DTC and sub code numbers to really provide you with much two-dimensional troubleshooting. As Isaac, indicates your code reader needs to be compatible with your Prius.
Here is a pic of what it said. I’m not sure how great the reader is, it’s just someone I know who was able to check it for me.
When you say you bought a new battery, are you talking about the 12v battery that is installed in the rear right corner of the trunk area, or the big hybrid battery located behind the rear seat? When you say the car completely died, did all the lights and warning lamps turn off, or did it just lose all 'driving' power? If you replaced the 12v battery, you most likely reset all the codes and temporarily cleared the condition that caused the codes. Disconnecting the 12v battery will return all the car computers to default condition. After restoring 12v power with the new battery, perhaps it merely took about an hour for the initial 'fault' condition to reappear. Between the warning lights appearing, and the car completely dying, did you do anything? Did you pull over to the side of the road and turn the car off? Then try to restart it? and then it wouldn't work? If that's the case, then you have a P0AA6 fault. This would be reset by disconnecting the battery, but would likely come back soon after installing a new one. When it triggers, it will let you continue driving the car, but once you turn the car off, it will not allow the car to go into 'ready' condition again. (unless you disconnect the battery again to reset it, or reset it with a scan tool. Unfortunately, we're all kind of guessing until you're able to get an accurate DTC reading. Where in the 'USA' are you?
It keeps taking a long time to post my replies but I’m in Virginia. It died in the parking lot of my post office, and I tried to turn it on a few times. First my warning lights would still come on, but after that first day the battery (12v in the back side) was completely drained so I was told to buy a new one. I did, it was installed and it drove fine for that day with no warning lights etc so I figured it was just a malfunction of the 12v battery needing to be replaced. But after the new one was put in it was drained in 24 hours and wouldn’t display any lights or turn on at all. So after that it sat for a couple weeks because I didn’t have the money or anyone that knew how to fix it. I don’t know what work has been done on the hybrid battery but you can see where the previous owner had work done on it bc of stickers from a shop put onto that compartment.
@peachy_ If that reader is actually displaying the correct code, a P1121 is for failure of the coolant flow control valve. You can read about it in the attached file. Now, that being said, a true P1121 doesn't typically cripple the car and it's not an uncommon code for people to keep driving with for a long, long time before doing anything about it. It's very likely you have other codes that are not being detected by that Actron code reader. I don't think it's Prius friendly.