Is there a way to help with wind noise and the dreaded noise I hear going up hills? I just bought a 2016 C with only 24,000 miles so I think the basic stuff is ok but would new tires help or something else? Thank You!
Get a running start up them thar hills New tires may help a bit on the highway, but the C is very good at sipping gas, but just not sound proofed a lot.' It will be difficult to rid most of the noise. What tires on now?
Before going up a hill... Try not to drain your HV battery down past 70%. If you do the engine has to charge and drive uphill the same time causing the high RPM= noise. I try to keep my HV above 70% on a regular basis.
Not to be harsh but the C falls into the econobox-tin can category like many other cheaper vehicles. Sound deadening material is just one of the things they omit to cut costs. It also saves weight=better fuel economy. Look into sound matts and also my personal recommendation: stuff home sound insulation batting into every empty space you can (pack-rat style) like behind all plastic panels, spare tire well, liftgate, firewall under dash, etc. You basically have to take the entire interior apart including seats, door and liftgate panels. Sound like fun? It isn't but it does work. Easier but not cheap fix: research quiet tires. Typically OEM LRR tires can be noisy especially as they get miles on them. I assume @ 24k miles, they are the originals. Expensive fix: trade for a quiet car like a Camry Hybrid or a plug-in vehicle as those typically get a lot of attention to NVH. Our Clarity is a bank vault compared to most other vehicles I drive. GOOD LUCK
Thank you! I’m trying my best to keep the thing for at least a year or two before trading in but I’m feeling very tempted. Just not sure I want to take the loss over a loud ride, I bought CPO from a dealer so I’ll take a bigger loss than if I bought off someone - but I jumped into the purchase very quickly because it was mid pandemic and needed a car ASAP. I’ll see how loud I can turn up the music and check out some better tires.
LOL, yes that's the path of least financial pain. Speaking of audio, adding sound deadening material also makes even a weak stock sound system sound better. Also, check the status of all door gaskets for tears, flattening, etc.,
Wind noise is difficult to silence (assume nothing is leaking) Up hill noise may be the ICE motor accelerating. Tires may help at a $400, but that is not your posted complaint. Sound deadening material can be your answer, still with Dynamat products you can spend $100 or $200 on for enough to cover the interior. I don't have a Home Depot (or like) bargain price substitute product I could recommend. Trying to isolate the fire wall with Dynamat IMO is challenging, yet that may help reduce motor noise. Overall road noise (not wind) could be addressed by removing the carpet, lining the floor with Dynamat then reinstalling the carpet. The side mirrors can be a main source of wind noise, but if they are solidly mounted and no air gaps where they attach to the door, I don't think you have any options. If you wished to experiment slowly with Dynamat, many remove the door interior trim panels and place DM on the metal of the outer inside of the door's side panel aka the door skin (if I am explaining clearly). Based on your complaints, I don't like my answer, but they are answers for you to consider. Good luck.
Thank you!! I’ll think about this option. It’s wind that is the worst and I think probably standard c noise. There are other things about the C that maybe mean it wasn’t the right car for me so perhaps it’s bothering me more than maybe it needs to. I think maybe I need some good distraction noise in the car.
How long have you had the C? Do you think you may get used to the noise? I am completely oblivious to noise in the C, as I think I have got used to it. I like to drive with no radio/music so I am in tune with any vehicle noise that I am in. It is a bit of paranoia I suppose. Sometimes I will put on music to keep children/passengers happy lol I hear the engine, the inverter, the brakes (not much there) also the nice thing is I can be aware of surroundings too for emergency vehicles, pedestrians or other drivers. This may not be ideal for most drivers or areas. I am not against anyone that needs music, I just like to be fully focused on driving. Long trips, yes music is played
They sell some cheaper sound deadening stuff on ebay. peel & stick. It works pretty good at least stops the metal resonance. here's pictures of the hatch area of my G2.
I think I am getting used to the noise now that it’s the kind of weather I can open windows. And I completely agree about keeping focus on the driving - - I actually drive in silence typically which is why I think I noticed it. I’ve had the C since July. I’m starting to feel it’s a love hate relationship. I really don’t like driving a sedan and wanted a hybrid so my options were limited. I think in a few years when plug in tech is better and prices follow that I’ll look back on my C with love and just get something that’s a little quieter.