My wife’s 13 PIP 205k miles, felt like I should do some serious preventative maintenance. Removed,cleaned, and reinstalled. It was not as difficult as originally thought. I can feel a difference in power and response. Other maintenance performed. 1. Drain and refill radiator and inverter. 2. Replaced water pump and t-stat. 3.Drain and refill transmission fluid. 4.Replced front brake pads and turned rotors. 5. Oil and filter change.
Yeah auto-exposure makes it a black hole in the pic, hard to tell. With a phone camera, tap the black hole, should brighten it up.
Well, I must say I was pleasantly surprised the cooler was not that plugged. About 157k of HV miles, I would say 50%. It cleaned up pretty easily. I have seen plugged solid coolers. I thinking mostly highway driving is the reason for the condition.
i wonder if that makes a case for higher miles being better for the egr? i have 20k, and am afraid to look at it