Scangauge update

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Three60guy, Oct 12, 2006.

  1. Three60guy

    Three60guy -->All around guy<-- (360 = round) get it?

    May 20, 2005
    Racine, Wisconsin
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    Just talked to the technical folks at ScanGauge (Ron). I asked whether or not they are looking into updates for the Scangauge II device to provide information useful to those who have Hybrids. I indicated that I am an owner of a 2006 Prius. His reply was they are going to introduce a new hardware device which will be best described as a USB adaptor. It will also allow the use of a SD card for data logging information from the ScanGauge. The reason this hardware device needs to be marketed before hybrid related updates is because this USB Adaptor will allow someone to take their Scangauge and hook it up to their own computer via the USB port. This then will allow the downloading of additional software of a users choosing. So, for example, if you have a Prius you could download from the Scangauge web site software useful for the Prius and then upload it to the Scangauge device. I, however, was told that people who already have ScanGauge II devices who would like to use the USB adaptor would first need to ship their Scangauge back to the factory for a software update to allow the use of the USB adaptor. While the USB adaptor is slated to be introduced in November 2006 sometime, Prius related software would not be available until 2007. I was told the price point of the USB adaptor for the Scangauge would be just under $100.

    This then made it easy to decide to hold off until the Prius/hybrid software becomes available prior to purchase of a Scangauge. I had thought also about the can-view product but they seem not to be prioritizing the 2006 product as they appear to think it is only going to be a very limited nitch product. Seems to me that Scangauge will take over the market with the product introduction of the USB adaptor. Seems the Scangauge will get all the nitch markets with the ability to download specific vehicle software into the Scangauge.

    I have no business relationship with Scangauge except for being a potential customer. Thought you would find this info interesting.

  2. eagle33199

    eagle33199 Platinum Member

    Mar 2, 2006
    2015 Prius v wagon
    Actually, from what i read about can-view, they were working on one for the '06-'07 (to be released next year sometime, i think) that will have a seperate LCD monitor, rather than using the MFD. Not sure if i like that better though... i think i'd rather have it all integrated.
  3. FL Buckeye

    FL Buckeye Member

    Apr 7, 2006
    WC Florida
    2006 Prius
    ScanGauge must have changed their attack plan. When I talked with them early in the year their plans were to make the USB port part of the ScanGaugeII and those who already had purchased could return them for the upgrade. So it sounds like now it will cost more $$ for the feature.

    I was waiting for the updates too before I order the ScanGaugeII. I would like to have the can-view but don't want a separate display. I would think there would be more of a demand for can-view now, with Toyota selling more 2006-2007 models that could use it than earlier models. Connecting to a digital display must be a bear to design the interface.
  4. Allannde

    Allannde Just a Senior

    Jan 7, 2006
    Washington State
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Advanced
    I have the ScanGuage II AND I have been in contact with eflier the supplier of CAN-view. Clearly it is a choice between the two for 2006 and later Prii since both will plug into the OBD II socket. The question I have about the CAN-view, which is under development, is just what features it will have. My understanding is that it will not be Prius specific but rather will be generic and suitable for any hybrid. If so, it will not be the same as earlier CAN-view offerings.

    My understanding, also, is that the CAN-view will not come with a screen. It will be up to the customer to purchase the recommended screen as a separate purchase. This screen will have a USB connection and so the new CAN-view might have the upload/download feature, also.

    The new CAN-view will be able to display a lot more information on a 7" screen than the ScanGuage with its tiny screen.

    The combination of the CAN-view and the screen it will require will be between two and three times as costly as the ScanGuage.

    Mounting the 7" screen will not be as simple as the ScanGuage II.

    I think it is wise to wait and see how these products develop.