I’m the original owner of a 2007 Prius with 147,000 miles. Got in the other day and nothing, no warning signs or noises. Ran perfect yesterday. Car won’t start, and only goes into neutral. Did the Dr. Prius ap and tells me block 4 is -25.2 volts and block 5 is 25.2 volts with a voltage difference of 50.39 volts. Pack volts of 189.22 volts. Could this be buss bar corrosion or do I need a new battery? Thank you.
How many miles on this vehicle? Traction battery voltage is quite low at 189v, too low to turn over the engine now. Likely just corrosion or leakage, but you won't know until you tear into it. Do you have a DIY attitude?
Yes, will pull battery out this week. Was thinking corrosion between packs 4 and 5. Toyota dealers in the Chicago area are quoting $1950.00 for new battery. They seam to have come down in price.
No, and no. It is more likely damage to your No. 2 wire frame (as it is called). These are relatively cheap to buy, easy to replace and is the one that plugs into the battery ECU. Also, check the ECU pins for corrosion. While you're in there, you might want to clean up any corrosion you find at the bus bars and also use an in-lb torque wrench to tighten everything back up, particularly each of the module nuts - tighten them to 48 in-lbs.
As others stated, first look at the voltage sense wires at the battery pack, or check the battery ecu for corrosion at the connector.