I noticed that the cigarette lighter is near the cup holders back by the arm rest. Have those of you that own the 2016 Prius noticed this to be a problem? I charge my phone while I drive and have it mounted to my dash for Waze. I like the current location of my cigarette lighter which is closer to the dash board. Is another, closer outlet?
Unless you want to connect an iPod and a phone at the same time, I'd suggest using the USB port to charge your phone. Other than that, the second Power Outlet is in the back of the arm rest. If you have a smart phone (sounds like you're running Waze), then you also have access to your music collection via USB. Although you could also achieve that via BlueTooth. Additionally, 3, 3T, 4 and 4T models have a wireless charger. Just place your compatible phone (a new case may be needed) in the forward tray of the center console.
Yea I mean I have a mount for my phone on the dash. Just seems like the cords will get in the way. I can't wait to see the car in person.
The little bit I have used the vehicle I have used the wireless charging and Entunes (for voice dialing), hence I have not tried mounting the phone on the dash. The outlet issue is a good point if dash-mounted phone is important to you. I have to look more carefully myself to see if there is a closer power outlet than by the console. The owner's manual only shows two power outlets (one in the front console and one in the rear of the console)
They look like poor locations for anyone who wants to use their own GPS or to leave something charging out of sight.
The traffic receiver is in the GPS power cord so the Garmin is going to be a real PITA to use. Is the front power outlet intended for the cigarette lighter? The design team needs an ergonomics lesson and has earned their Ribbon of Shame.
Once, many years back, I had a bad reaction to a dental anesthetic, the local, needle-in-the-gum type. Not sure what the heck happened, suspect they hit a vein or something. Anyway, after being in a strange dream place icey cold, all white, sparkely, for a bit, I came to, soaked in sweat, cold, and sick as a dog. The assistant happened to come back in just then (yup, shoot him up and then take off for a few minutes...), I told her I was feeling really sick and dizzy, she said "oh you need to lower your head", and started dropping the chair back further. I had to basically climb outa it to upchuck in the porcelain basin (old school dentist chair). That act stuck in my head: that someone's doing something they think is best for you, and you just barely manage to fight your way through their misguided good intentions. Anyway: You could pull off all the white bits, spray them matt black, and while they're off look for a source of 12 volt, wire in an accessory outlet around the shifter.
I'll just buy more of these to run the cables: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004K2WZS4/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?qid=1453794246&sr=8-3&pi=SY200_QL40&keywords=bluelounge&dpPl=1&dpID=41Zm5Am65fL&ref=plSrch Assuming I like what I see in the new Prius.