Hello! This is my firs time posting here. I recently replaced the wheel studs on my prius and had to remove the rotor and caliper. I put everything back and went for A test drive. Everything seems fine except now I have these warning lights and a warning chime that will not stop! I have an OBD2 scanner that does not pick up any codes. I have looked up how to do the jumper wire with the paper clip. Has anyone tried it and can provide any tips/advice? I may need to bleed the brake (front right) - would that fix it? thanks in advance.
you need tech stream, but i would look at the wiring and plug from the wheel sensor. how many iles on her? did you torque everything properly? does the wheel spin freely?
I will double check the connections again. I did not use a torque wrench but I didn't over tighten. about 97k now. I believe the wheel does spin freely but will re-check. Do you have a reliable source for techstream? I saw some on Amazon...
I can completely confirm that using the jumper wire for its intended purpose, to read out the trouble codes so you will know what you're dealing with, works exactly as described. Just count the light blinks and post here as two-digit codes and we'll have a better idea what's what with your car. There is an odd idea apparently floating all over the interwebs that the jumper wire is a "trick" that will solve your problem for you. In the interest of saving you some disappointment, I can also confirm that ain't what it does.
So the only light flashing is the yellow triangle . The ABS end ESC light stay illuminated. The sensor wire is in tact and wheel spins freely when I jack it up and put it in N. I really don't want to take it to a dealer - thanks for your help.
Some codes/lights will reset once X number of "good" start ups without the problem reoccurring have been reached; usually 5. Some safety codes like airbags become permanent codes and need special software/tools like techstream to delete from their respective ECU's. Good luck!
Ok. I will give it A few more days before going to the dealer. Has anyone had any luck with 'more professional' OBD scanners or the knock-off techstream sold on amazon or ebay?
There's a chance I was wrong about the jumper-wire-to-blink-out-codes feature being kept into Gen 4. If it wasn't, something like Techstream will be needed.
Did you disconnect the 12v when you were working on the brakes ? You say the brake may need bleeding, does that mean you disconnected the caliper from the hydraulic system ? IIRC, I think the brakes need to be bled with the 12v disconnected or the system will try to pressurise whilst you're working on it. Also if the 12v is not disconnected then any drop in brake line pressure will bring up fault codes, this occurs if you don't pump the brake pads back up to the rotor before re-connecting the 12v.
The great thing about fault codes is once you have them, you know what happened and what will have to be done to get back to not having them. (Sometimes there are simple procedures that need to be performed, depending on the codes.) That's a more rewarding use of time than dwelling on what might have happened to get you from not having them to having them, since that already happened.