Thanks for your comment and for watching. From what I understand it is a sealed lead acid battery they doesn't need refill.
Jim, The little caps with the cross on them can be unscrewed and you can carefully top each cell off with distilled water. "Sealed Lead Acid" or "Maintenance Free" are marketing statements on car batteries and are false statements (unless you have an AGM battery as was the case in earlier Prii that had the battery in the "Boot') so top the cells off and your battery will last longer. The Cold Cranking Amps are an indicator of remaining battery life, but are not really relevant for a Prius as the 12v battery is never asked to supply high current (The Traction battery starts the gasoline engine in a Prius). You were correct to ignore your dealer's attempt to empty your wallet. JeffD
Thanks for clearing that up. I knew something didn't feel right the way they were saying I needed to replace the battery right away but I didn't know exactly why. Thank you for watching the video.
nicely done. I wonder if you could remove the plastic protection strips and clean up that area? If you could, it would look better - and I don't know how much "protection" they are providing anyway.
Nice. I liked your videos on Prius camping as well. I had a perfect hotel Prius setup in my 2008. The 2020 still needs a few tweaks, but is coming along nicely.
I'd debate the relevance of CCA: a battery nearing end of life will display low CCA, regardless. It may not need high CCA, but it's still dying. I've found the best way to determine the need and do a distilled water top-up, get them uniformally back to the top line, is to disconnect and remove the battery. Set it with a light behind so you can clearly see the levels. Good time to clean the top of the case, the posts and cable clamps as well. Use a strip of fine sand paper on the posts, wipe them off, then bag and dispose the sand paper and cloth: it will have lead dust.
Thanks and thanks for watching. That is a good idea as long as I don't scratch through the paint and start a corrosion problem.
Thanks and thanks for watching. I haven't camped in a while. I think my favorite camping area has been closed for a while.
Nice review Those plastic strips should peel right off with a little heat applied from a hair dryer. IIRC you can actually buy them from the dealer (expensive) or you can buy the stuff on a roll from AliExpress. Car Door Edge Protector Sticker Strip PVC Film Transparent Anti Collision Edge Guard Scratch Protector Rubber Sealed Auto Guard| | - AliExpress
JLmmyPriNew: Would you be willing to remove the 12V screwcaps and check electrolyte level? I'm very interested. If it's low, you should probably add some distilled water (you probably already know that!)