Last day of summer, last day to eke out a new record. 63.5km with 0.4km left in the GOM. Ideal temperature range and ideal traffic. 63.5km (39.7 miles) with 400 metres (1/4 mile) left in the GOM 9.1kWh/100km (6.9 miles/kWh) consumption with 1% A/C Load Ratio. Climate setting: AUTO Temp: 22.0°C A/C: Off S-Flow: Driver Priority HVAC Mode: Eco The useless Consumption Screen is useful only if you hypermile. (The metric scale is terrible compared to the imperial units. The car is rated at 15.8kWh/100km but the scale maxes out at 10kWh/100km which means if you drive normally, the bars are always maxed out unless there's a segment you glide long enough to lower the average).
I just got back from a two day tour and charged my Prime over nite. I unplugged and started the car the next morning and had 60+ kilometers showing! I'm going to take a picture next time. I was surprised too see this number and . I just figured out how too have his figure show on the instruments on full charge! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Wow, that's great. I think the best reported on PC for a single EV trip from a full charge is 48.1+ miles by @Prius from Dad. Share Your Success: 40+ miles EV on a Charge | PriusChat I have not yet to get over 37 miles on mine. Now the temp is getting low, I will not get anywhere close to that mark. Congrats.
I can do the 40-mile commute to work on all EV with 40% remaining. It's the return that kills me. Overall it is downhill - about 1,500 feet over those 40 miles, or about 8 inches per 100 feet. There are significant uphill portions and lots of traffic lights, though.
The thing is, mine always show over 60km with climate on during the summer. (65km without climate). It's rare I get close to 60km. My previous record was 55km and before that, 52km even though it showed 60km on the GOM.
Or Prime is used by the better half shopping and uses ev all week. Looks as if she is very lite on the throttle! I was impressed with those numbers! I'll post with pictures next time. Amazing auto's! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
It's easy to cheat if you don't start and end in the same place. My record is about 62 miles of all electric driving starting with the battery at 0%. I started at 14,200 feet and ended at 5,200 feet. I guess that's infinity miles per kWh, or 0kWh per 100km? Making it a round trip cancels out elevation and mostly cancels out wind, unless anyone puts a sail on top of their car. Maybe that is why big pickup trucks often have huge American flags? They are just trying to catch the wind and save some gas.
My last charge for sept. Cool weather +5 or 40 deg. F. Kil or about 40miles. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
That's amazing. I'll guess it was a pretty steady 30-40 mph, unlike my typical 60 mph with a stop about every mile. Works great for our m/kWh. MPG, on the other hand is a pita. It goes 0-150, so the center line is 75 mpg. The one below is 37.5 mpg and the one above middle is .... lemme grab my calculator ... 112.5 mpg. Pretty hard to tell where 50 or 60 mpg falls on a scale like that. Why couldn't they put the lines at 50, 100, and 150? Or 25, 50, 75, and 100? How often do we get over 100 mpg for over a mile in HV mode unless we're mountain dwellers? And, if we're in the mountains, we're just as likely to peg it at 150 as at 100 mpg.
Yes mostly shopping! My wife doing the shopping. I never drove the car. I'm pleased! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Caveat: you started from the top of the CN Tower, and just headed down... Great job. I believe the best I've ever been able to get was 35.X .... Today (Dec 21) it was in the low 80s (F) here so I suppose I still have time to try to best your record... problem is, most driving around here for me usually involves at least some freeway/highway driving. The times where it's all city/street driving give better mileage, but more stress...
Was it round-trip? You know, even a merely 10-foot altitude difference between the origin and destination makes a huge difference on the EV range, right? You can look up the altitudes on various maps. For example with a 35-foot altitude difference on a 7.5-mile trip, I average about 55 miles per 100% SOC in the downhill direction and 35 miles per 100% SOC in the uphill direction—the effect of a merely 35-foot altitude change!
Yes it was round trip with hills and a large bridge across an inlet to cross. (Tall enough for current cruise ships to cross). Going there was 9.6kWh/100km so the return was obviously better to drop the average to 9.1kWh/100km. Both ends elevation are similar (maybe a 5m difference? but they're both near sea level anyway)