Hi there "long time listener first time caller". First time i couldn't find a solution in this forum so i decided to post this. I got the airbag error light on two months ago. Torque pro didn't give any errors (not a check engine error) so i took it to my mechanic and scanned it for free gave me two error codes b1650 - occupant classification system fault and b1794 battery positive line open. He said he tried to clear it but nothing happened I decided to get tech stream from eBay to diagnose a bit further. When i scanned it myself I got the same error messages (current) plus b1826 -open in side squib (p seat side) circuit. The only difference is that the error wasn't current so when i cleared the error messages the b1826 cleared successfully unlike the other two errors (1650 and 1794) So whatever caused the passenger side squib to indicate an error (1826) is not present any more (Maybe when disconnected and reconnected the cables under the seat solved that). Also the passenger side airbag is always off. I found a video on YouTube they said that you have to re calibrate the seat, but i don't see that option on tech stream Any ideas ?
As a follow-up note, I had the same symptoms, an ABS blink code of 32, 52, and 54, that started right after plugging my (failed) MFD back in for testing. It was the ECU-B 15A fuse, and replacement fixed the problem. Obviously I need to either get a new MFD or fix the old one. Also, I had the brake system, VSC, and red triangle on due to the park button not being connected while I had the dash apart. Might help some others with apparently inexplicable issues.