2000 Cannondale XR800 cyclocross with fenders and rack, and 14k miles on the clock. Takes me the 9 miles to work every day that it isn't raining or worse. Beats the pants off the Prius for gas mileage. Also fits INSIDE the prius, which is handy when i have to leave the car somewhere.
2005 Prius that just hit 43,000 miles (3 miles on the odo when I picked it up) 2001 Honda Insight that now has just over 77,000 miles
My wife has a '04 KIA Sedona under 23k mile AKA "Mom's Taxi" I also have a '94 Ford Bronco Eddie Bauer 4X4 with 5.8L 133k miles AKA "Money Pit" Had to get the Prius to blance my Karma....
2002 Honda Civic EX Coupe - 121K My wife gets the Prius for her long commute and the Honda gets to retire and just drive me daily for my 5 minute commute.
Our 2nd daily driver is a 2003 Honda Accord EX-V6 with 32,000 miles. Our 3rd vehicle is a 2005 Harley Davidson 1200CC motorcycle, the "Custom" Model with 5,000 miles. It gets a wonderful 50+ Mpg so it's not going anywhere soon. It's very practical here in S. FL. In the Accord's case we bought it on July 1, 2004. Gas was about $1.50 or so for regular. Had we known that it would get so expensive with no end in sight we would have probably bought either a 4 cyl. or a Prius. When it's time to replace the Honda we are definately going to buy another Prius.
And now...my other vehicle is....... [attachmentid=5269] [/b][/quote] In addition to the BMW K1200LTC I listed earlier that is...
We have a 1998 4Runner - gets about 22 mpg. My parents took my 1994 Camry which is the identical twin to theirs, except mine has 200K miles and theirs only has 100K. Still runs like a dream.
Hey, I have Royal Enfield Continental GT650. I recently purchased this bike. I love this bike such an amazing design it has and the sound of the engine made me mad.
Hey, I am a bike rider. I love bikes and riding for 10 years. I have a Trinx Temp 1.0 and Paselec Electric bike and recently I purchased a new Royal Enfield Continental GT 650 that looks so cool. A few months ago, I saw this on the road after that I decided to buy this bike.