I just got this code and the car wouldn't start....p3004-131 Power Cable Malfunction. When main fuse is blown out, service plug is disconnected or limiter resistance is cut off....I changed the orange plug, still no start....Do I have to change the main battery relay??....If so what's the best way to do that??....I found this relay on ebay: KM503405 01 03 Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Cut Off Switch Main Fuse Voltage | eBay Is that is what I need to change??
When I try to start the car I hear a click coming from the trunk and the ready light would flash for two seconds and then it would just go away.
2003 Toyota Prius Hybrid Battery Main Relay Assy G3840 47011 01 02 03 | eBay I swapped the above item no AEV69080 and WOHA ..car started right up...I have no idea though why the old relay went out...Good endings in Disneyland.
I'm guessing it will be option 3 right from the manual, the limit resistor in the SMR failed. That would explain the one-click start business; the protocol for engaging the SMR is to pull in the resistor-limited side first. When that's done and no zoobs flow, presumably the ECU notices and gives up. -Chap
hi guys, i have the same problem but still no working , the smr is good, the main fuse is good too, n the resistence is good, but no start, please help, it drive me crazy, post data: the traction battery is perfect.
Can some please explain what is being done in the above posts. What fuse is that and where is it. I have the same, among many other , problem with my 2005. Prius 299,999+ miles on it. I have several traction batteries that I swap out but get different codes every time. Now: p3000 p3004 p0afa Before: u0100 u0111 p0afa I cleared the u codes so maybe they just haven’t come back yet
Gino, Those are the main relays for a Gen 1. If you look in the Gen 2 HV battery, you'll see two main relays (where the orange cables attach), a white rectangular resister, and some wires. These people had failures in those components. It's also possible you have a failure in the resistor section or a main relay.
Awesome thanks for explaining that. These are components “inside” the traction battery, right? That explains part of my problem, being I can swap the hybrid battery out and move the car, but there’s a communication error with the battery because no data is shown for it. Different codes every time, really wish sub codes weren’t impossible to get.