Thank you. My experience with the Prime's heat pump has been all positive so I'd love to see it implemented in the USA M3 especially before I buy 2 of them. I'm keeping my 4Runner so I'm really not interested in the MY besides it's still in "beta" mode.
Tru dat, but I'm only 63. I still did my 3 miles this morning, with a little help from some Alleve. Naproxen sodium is amazing stuff. During my last visit for M3 test drives in Dallas, the guys there said there were some pretty neat announcements coming up soon which they could not talk about. I suspect battery day or just after for some news.
M3 refresh looks to be very soon. No chrome, new center console, heat pump with octovalve, new resized frunk bin, probable range increase. That's the stable rumor anyway. China seems to have begun doing just that already.
That's the consensus of the Electrek article of two days ago. China seems to be the current test bed for M3 changes coming to the US. Works for me.
like you say, true dat. Downside is, and this is from experience, if you take it every day? The way my orthopedic surgeon requested me to do? The next thing you know - a couple 3 months later & I'm pissing blood. Downside being something that's so effective is hard on the kidneys. Funny, the orthopedic surgeon didn't seem to know that, but the pharmacist? He said, "well of course it can do kidney damage!" Side note, the tool that the urologist used to go exploring? It's about as big around as your little finger, & has a camera, grabbing tool for samples, lighting to see where it's going, & water flushing device. Now, use your imagination how they get that sucker up in there to look at your kidney. Now That's What I Call off topic. .
Ouch. That's not a shriveling moment, that's run for the hills. No, I never did that nor needed to. Prior to my first hip replacement 2 years ago and through to today, I was always able to get relief taking Alleve once every 3 to 5 days when it was at the worst. Any more often was ineffective. This was at prescription strength. We tried the other two prescription anti-inflammatory meds and their side effects were terrible and I trashed them. Alleve just works for me, but it's to reduce inflammation from osteoarthritis. I have not taken any since the hip replacement two years ago until 3 weeks ago when my second one finally started to give up. I say "finally" because when all of this started two years ago, the x-ray showed my right hip was far worse than my left. Both were bone on bone but the right one did not hurt. The left did baldly so it was replaced, it went great. I've gone two years with the right hip bone on bone, but it never hurt until 3 weeks ago even with me doing 3 miles outside 5 days a week. Go figure. I was able to drive sooner the first time since it was the left side. This time it's my driving foot/leg. Even with an continuous ice machine, it takes a long time to get the swelling down so you can fully bend your knee because of the tight skin. It's because of the way they have to deal with your leg while they work on the hip. Ghastly is a mild description. Regarding the topic, I think the delay will work in my favor. It allows any new changes in the M3 to hopefully get slip streamed in and it allows our two new local (OKC and Tulsa) SC's to be completed so I can take delivery locally. I'm looking at positively.
And here's a photo from today of the new "Tesla Center" and Service Center nearing completion @ 6010 S. 129th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74146 The OKC location is not quite as far along but inside demolition looks complete. Progress!
Just found out the Tesla Center in Tulsa opens Sept 28th. They are already scheduling appointments. I drove by the OKC location today and the inside is gutted, and there's a lot of work being done to the 15 or so vehicle service bays on the backside. No logos yet.
Maybe they'll light a fire to get a SuperCharger station in the Fort Smith-Ozark segment. Heck, just put on on the opposite side of the WalMart parking lot from the EA chargers. Bob Wilson
Ozark has been up and running for a week or two now. Ozark, AR supercharger. Now we need something to bridge the gap between Ozark and OKC and I-40 will be driveable for all ranges of vehicles without detouring through Tulsa. It's even rougher in the last few weeks because OK raised the speed limits to 75 mph on I-40. If you had to drive slower to make a charger it just became more dangerous. There are a few CHAdeMO spots between OKC and Ozark.
Tulsa based news is reporting today that the new service center will also be a delivery point for new vehicles. That's great news for me and "my plan." I've read many local stories of vehicles damaged during delivery via the 3rd party to your door delivery service. Sign Now Up At New Tesla Service Center In Tulsa TULSA - Tesla's new service center is one step closer to being ready for business. The center recently hung up the new sign on the building that is near 61st and 129th in Tulsa. The center will also be a delivery point for customers buying Tesla vehicles. The company said it plans to build a showroom somewhere in Tulsa in the near future.
I've sold my 2017 Prime Adv. Carvana 38,489 miles, $22,768.00. Great price. I'm just waiting on Carvana to pick it up which is not a easy as they make it sound. Yes, they will pick it up within a 50 mile radius, except that radius is not shaped like a true circle. It's more like putting your hand on the map with your fingers spread out. They'll pick it up if you live under one of those fingers, not the space in between. Also it has to be 50 miles from one of their "hubs", not from the vending machine, which is not a hub. The hubs are not customer facing so you can't just take it to them. Even so, they still beat everyone else by more that $2,000. I could have waited but, I'm having a total hip replacement on Monday so I won't be able to drive anything for quite a while. I was going to sell it later anyway to move to Tesla. I'd have to maintain the 12V battery, it will need a oil change in a couple hundred miles, the end of quarter price right now is very high, the car tag is due soon, and it's still under 40,000 miles, and the gas tank is nearly empty. It was a good time to do it. Why wait an let it just sit there getting older and less valuable. It's been a great car. I've loved pushing it to it's ECO limits and beyond.
That's about 220 miles, not for the faint of heart if you're driving the Model S 75 or 60,, or the model x 75 /60. On a freezing cold day? No thanks - i'd ude our CHAdeMO adapter.
Off topic is right, but I know what you mean. By the time the urologist got done looking inside my bladder, I think I had crushed the side rails on that exam table. He kept telling me to relax!!!! I kept grunting to him, through clenched teeth, "I AM relaxed!" He had one of the ugliest female nurses in the world helping him. It hurt so bad I didn't care. Say it ain't so, Mark!! Seriously, congrats. Hope you love the new buggy. Hope it goes well for you. My wife is getting a new knee in November. I'm calling it her birthday present since it's scheduled for three days before her birthday.
Thanks. I'm ready. It's not a quick or recent decision. It'll be a 2021 M3 AWD LR in red and wife's the same in Blue. Thanks. I've got my will written just in case. I did all the blood work today and they did a COVID test up my nose. Now THAT was a squirmy experience. Rehab on knees are tough and long. I hope Mildred does great. She HAS to DO ALL of the exercises. Good luck.
IIRC, there was an earlier version of this adapter that was not compatible with the Model 3. The current version is compatible with Models S3XY. @hill, is this the old or new version?
oddly enough - the adapter is up-gradable - to the sharing & ignorance of many a service center. When some new CHAdeMo's came on line - they wouldn't do the hand shake. After it was flashed - no problem. But 4 out of 5 SC's didn't know what the heck we were talking about. Do i know for certain which SC's in which areas can say it works or not? Nope. But if Bob wants to look into it? That's something to be considered Still hanging in the garage. I'd only consider selling it to a PC alumni of stellar character. Know anyone? Kidding aside - last time that came up - if memory serves ... wasn't the expressed opinion that they weren't worth the (new MSRP) price? We can move this to PM's if preferred. No rush ... bed time. .
I've been thinking about that lately. Gotta wear a mask among people so it won't spread, but they can only get test material by practically sticking a big Q-tip into your brain. She would probably gargle concrete if the doctor told her to do it. I've never met someone so medically compliant. LOL! BTW, my boss got his hips replaced twice. Both of them! He was a missionary in Paraguay and had them done there first, but they botched it and had to do it again earlier this year. He gets around a lot better now.
The test needs more material than the number of virus needed to cause an infection. Or it's easier going up the nose than into the lungs for the sample.