Just curious, how can I post or start a thread with a question and it gets seen? I don’t see any direction of how to post and I have posted a question months ago without a response so I believe it hasn’t been seen. Any info?
In reviewing that post, it would appear that nobody really has any suggestions regarding your "problem" and that is the reason for no responses. There are some responses now. EVERY post made here, and in other places like it, will show up in a "new posts" scan, which I assume more members use. YOU are assuming WAY too much about your first post and why it wasn't answered. CHILL. Making multiple posts all over the place complaining about it won't make you any friends.
Any new post or new reply shows up in the "New posts" button. This is my preferred way to quickly check PC. And yes, your post is on it.
I looked up your info, which shows your postings. I see two other threads you started and they both have responses. I also noticed that the one about rear window exterior trim apparently got lost in the noise. That sometimes happens. Then you bumped it and several of us responded.
when you post a new thread, it goes to the top of the first page of the forum you posted in, as well as 'new posts'. but the thing is, you're the only one who doesn't get to see it, until someone replies. so as a newbie, you think, 'huh, my thread didn't post'
Welcome to PC. I responded to your original post about the gap on the hutch before seeing this post! Yeah, sometime I miss a new post in PRIME sub-forum, but if I can add something to the discussion, then I comment.
It was A question NOT multiple posts and FAR from a complaint! If that’s what you got out of that one post maybe you need to CHILL! Thanks!
If you're new here, you'll have to get use to that guy. He ain't got a "chill" setting. He spits out as much nonsense as it takes it get under someone's skin before leaving when someone counters with real information. I don't mean to bash people, just don't let him scare you off.
Lol thanks for the input! I figured as much. He kinda blasted a bit much too soon. No worries here tho. Maybe someone’s got the LMS haha
I don't know why I bother. There was absolutely nothing wrong with your initial question. The multiple posts complaining came AFTER that, in your deluge of posts where you assumed that you knew why there were no answers. Your assumption was wrong. And your subsequent posts accomplished nothing useful. And I guess mine wasn't useful either.
If "you don't mean to", then don't. If you actually LISTEN, you might actually learn something. Maybe.
Ah, there he is. Just like clockwork, he returns. OP's post was asking why, not assuming why there were no responses. The only assumption, which was a perfectly valid one for a new user, was the assumption thay nobody had see the post. OP recognized that it was an assumption that may or may not be true, so asked for clarification. If you'd listen, you'd see OP is asking for clarity on how this platform operates, and was not complaining. You need to understand that new users don't automatically know everything about how this program operates. And that each individual user has his or her own writing language that you have the habit of misinterpreting.
And if you’re wondering why we get complaints, @sam spade 2 , it’s because your writing style is misinterpreted or at least we can’t tell if you’re angry or just talking because your writing style is identical in both cases. And it’s leans towards “angry” because of the way you chose to highlight or emphasis your words. So we’ve had this discussion before. You can’t get mad if both new and seasoned members interpret your posts the same way. Maybe it’s just the way you write. At least for older members, we’ve grown accustomed to your writing style.
How about this: Modern society has taught people to be too sensitive.....and many end up LOOKING for things to be offended by. Stating a simple fact without sugar coating it is not being "mad". Stating an opinion that someone else has flown off the handle is not being "mad". With the notable exception of one or two users who just seem to constantly pull stuff out of where the sun don't shine, I do NOT purposely try to offend anybody. I have been trying to avoid commenting on "personalities" here lately, including others posting styles, but I occasionally have a relapse. Everybody needs to try taking things more at face value instead of trying to "interpret" what is said. Read what I SAY, not what you think I meant.......because you probably will be wrong.
So then you missed the class on forum etiquette. Writing words in CAPS is the equivalent of shouting. So read your posts (any posts) and you can see why when you WRITE in all CAPS people get OFFENDED because the TONE is shown in the way YOU write. I can ask anyone else how they read my last paragraph and I’m pretty sure I’ll get a consensus on its tone.
No I didn't. I was present about 1975 when it was WRITTEN. And the convention is that ALL CAPS is shouting. There is no convention about not using CAPS for emphasis on one word or phrase. Would you rather that I use italics for emphasis......or bold or underline or color ???? Like you said, everyone has a different style. How about we concentrate on content instead of style ?
I prefer color! Can you make it chrome or clear? Those are my favorite colors. Well, i like pink too. Stay Blessed everyone! Cause you all are very blessed! Wish I could get an valid answer on my post somehow. But i have faith that it will happen one day. Until then i will operate the controls of my prius automobile under the act of travel without headlights. Peace and love to you gods!