hello friends my car gave me a little surprise today, everything was working fine but suddenly check engine lights comes on, when i checked it was DTC u028487 . it had a little problem with grill shutter in past, it was wiring connection problem but i type it as it should be and everything was working fine during 1 year. today i removed the bumper and check wiring connection again to make sure it has not short, but everything was looking good. any ideas? is there any kind of fuse for grill shutter? when i am cleaning the DTC it comes again in 5 seconds.
its 2016 prius, i don't know if it has some kind of fuse that's giving power to grill. is there any way to bypass active grill? also its very strange, i have not used the car for a while everything was working ok. few times 12v battery drained and i jumped the car, could it blown some fuse i dont know
today i checked fuses all fuses are ok. also i checked connector wires and it has 12v on it. i think shutter motor died
if it were disconnected from the motor armature, and you couldn't move it, it would be because something is binding it
is there any way to bypass grille shutter? may be there is some way to connect wires together, and start the car without check engine light
what i have notice is the shutter wings were always in open position, may be there was some kind of dirt on it i dont know. also when i removed the motor itself and conected just a motor check engine light still comes on. friend told me shutter motor may be working but it should be inserted to the shutter, separately connected is will not work did you know anything about that?
no, i don't know anything at all about auto grill shutters. you would probably have to rent the manual
There is a potentiometer in the motor housing that reports the shutter position to computer. It can stick endnote give accurate position information that then trips the alarm.