Last week I noticed that my front right tire is pretty worn on exterior. Others tires looks good. Below a picture with front right vs. rear right tire. All tires are DOT 2018, 20k km (12500 miles), pressure 2.5 bar (36.2 psi) front and 2.4 (34.8 psi) bar rear. I must admit that I never rotate tires. Also I sit in right seat and I have 120 kg (264 lbs) but I guess/hope it's not my fault for that worn tire. My wife is the driver and she told me that she doesn't feel nothing odd with steering wheel or car driving right/left or any unusual noises or something else. During those 20k km we have our share of bumps and holes on the road so I guess I need an alignment? Or someting else can worn my tire? Also for Prius alignment is same as for any car or it's something diffferent? Thanks.
Looks like the toe-in adjustment is off on the right side. Picture it like the right hand tire is just ever so slightly turning to the left, when the other 4 tires are pointed straight. The alignment on a Prius is no different than any other car, so just take it to any reputable shop that does alignments. Ask around if you don't know of one. I don't know about Romania, but here in The States, the quality of the alignment can vary greatly. They all have the same or similar machine, but it requires the tech to have knowledge, and to take the time to get it right.
If you look closely, you'll notice the left front tire is likely worn on the inner edge. If you steer the wheels straight ahead and step away from the front of the car you can look down the wheels on each side to see if they are straight ahead and if they are straight from top to bottom. You might have damaged something by hitting a hole on the right front and you have excessive camber.
The wear isn't THAT bad. That is exactly why tires should be rotated. Even if the alignment is perfect, the fronts will wear faster (on a front wheel drive) and the outside edge will go first. must share the blame. An alignment check would be a good idea. And then rotating after that would be good too.
Some red stuff shows on monitor. Fortunately was the only one which can be adjusted and it was adjusted after some fight with stuck nuts. They cannot calibrate the other two adjustments. Only from buying new parts. At least that's what they told me. Next will be rotating tire and I hope that all is okay now. Thanks again.
I assume that's Romanian? I tried a Google translation on those terms and it didn't make sense to me. Can you translate Unghi futa, Unghi cadere fata, and Semiconvergenta fata? I'm guessing: Camber, Caster, Toe-in?
Your guess is spot on. I've had problems with toe-in. Now it's green. I still have problems with toe-in on right rear tire but the guy told me that it's not adjustable. I read here on priuschat that they can adjust it with shims but my guy doesn't know nothing about that. So for now I'm happy with this problem solved (I hope at least).
In the US, at least, you can get the shims at any auto parts store. My local alignment place told me they got the shims from Napa when the rear toe needed adjusting IIRC.
Here's a good video explaining how it's done -- it's quite simple really. (he's working on a Gen-2 Prius, but it's the same for Gen-3)
Plastic? Really? It should at least be aluminum. I wonder how long before it starts falling apart? Camber is not going to cause excessive tire wear. It would have to be way off for that to happen. I drove several 60's and 70's VW's and never had rear tire wear on the outer edges of the tire. They all wore evenly. The toe in and toe out is what will cause the most wear. Did they ever give an update on how long it lasted?