Noticed pink crust forming more and more around the thermostat housing. Was at dealer for oil change and they told me “that’s a big job.” “The thermostat housing needs to be replaced and the gasket.” Then we have to flush your system. Quote of $527.00. This must be a joke I thought in my head. Anyone have part numbers that I would need for this job? I have done the EGR cleaning by myself and I am self taught by watching videos. By no means a mechanic but will tackle the job if I have directions.
That's hysterical. The Gen 3 "thermostat housing" is the thermostat. Expect $38 to 40-ish with a discount at a dealer. That includes the gasket. If you want to try only the gasket, five bucks. Plus a couple jugs of fresh coolant to put back.
Thanks for the help, wow I knew it was overpriced but geez. Just found the part, what a joke. I’m going to replace along with the water pump while I’m at it. Figure it’s due at 150K. Seems like when they go it’s almost instant death to the engine since no temp gauge.