Nice review even with some of his legacy attitudes. Of course a previous Prius owner, 2003, 2010, and 2017 Prime, being a "beta" tester is familiar. Bob Wilson
Except being a beta tester for software usually was free and you received the stable production version for free as payment for your testing insights. Microsoft popularized releasing beta quality software as general release. They then progressed to releasing alpha software, not feature complete for paid release.
He covered some ground not seen on most reviews which was nice. One of his gripes about distraction is understood and not new on many vehicles including the Prime, but he obviously had no clue nor did he ever mention about the steering wheel controls and the voice commands that work very well to keep your attention off of that center screen. As with most phones these days and the Tesla, there are two ways to do most everything. Pick the most efficient and least distracting for you. One diff with Tesla about being a beta tester is they actually fix the software issues that are found and reported. I'm still living with irritants that were built into my Prime since day one and they'll still be there on its last day. Sidebar . . . I still have my stack of 3.5" disks of Win 95 build 43g (first beta). It was the most stable release of any version of Windoz ever, because nothing was added to it yet.