I've accidentally forgot my car jack under the car near the wheel, moved the car and bent it slightly and it's not working properly anymore. I need a replacement - I think (it out of alignment, not safe at all anymore). I need ideas for sources to replace this: oem or something sturdier, if you know of a better option - would you still get the oem? EDIT: Ontario store: oem one is 125 CAD plus whatever shipping and taxes. Amayama 90 cad (105 with shipping, seems my best so far). Andrei
The Gen 3 Prius uses "knife edge' pinch welds. The jack supports the car on a small reinforced pad inside the chassis behind the pinch weld. The proper jack looks like this. Many are available for about $50 on eBay.
eBay is your best bet. I could sell you my extra one cheap but the shipping cost may make it more expensive than buying from eBay. If I have to replace my jack, I would buy a better and easier portable hydraulic jack. Something like this but lower. The one in the link is 8-5/8 inch tall, and will not fit under the Prius, I think. Also, it may not fit in the spare tire compartment. You may have to look for suitable for your car, but having used the scissor jack on our other car recently, I am sure any portable hydraulic jack would make the job easier. There are some electric ones too.
I like those (collapsible) wheel stops. Toyota should include them, plus the tools and carrying pouch.
And then the car would be much more expensive; take the cost of the pouch and multiply by 3 and bill the buyers