Here is a book I came across sorting through some old items from the past. Thought some of the members with a few years on them and some perspective may get some pleasant memories from these items. First item is the Front and back cover of the book Second item is the table of contents Imagine the uproar if they tried to introduce this as required learning in the schools today
I think that book may be "tongue-in-cheek." I could be wrong. Indeed, knowing my track record, probably I am wrong. But, note the publishing house. Chronicle. A San Francisco house connected to the newspaper, that started back in the hippy days. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Some of my best times were spent in San Francisco in those days (those days that I remember). I have always liked Chronicle. Both the paper and the book publisher. Back in those days I would have said I liked Chronic too -- but I stopped all of that in the '80s, Urban Dictionary: chronic
With a bar coded price sticker of $12.95, this book is obviously quite recent. ... published in 2001, and new copies still available on Amazon: So while the content was sifted and selected from very old publications, 1920s-1960s, it is a 21st Century compilation.
... and the author's previous opus was a collection of "Timeless Advice from Self-help Experts", and she never crosses against a red light. I bet both books are fun to read.
The message is timeless as many who grew up in that era know . This was standard learning in the 1950's where every school day started off with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Prayer. Part of the class day would be for reporting good deeds and learning behaviors that contributed to your community and the country itself The thought that is tongue in check speaks to the current time not to the message or to kids who grew up in the era and would be taught those lessons in the classroom by their teachers. For example going to school in those days the crossing guards were actually 10 and 11 year old kids who would stop traffic as the younger kids crossed the road while the grown up drivers respected and obeyed the kid crossing guards. The crossing guards had badges and special shoulder belts to display the badges and learned to be crossing guards from real policemen - a big, big deal. Teachers were addressed Sir and Mam and called as Mrs, Miss or Mr.-no exceptions. In her forward the Author talks about sitting at her kitchen table with the learning materials and textbooks from this era where the information was drawn from. In the 2 attachments are the 4 page introduction that explains more on where the information came from. This is actual information we were taught as children and learned from our text books. They were good timeless lessons that served you well throughout life. There is even advice on being healthy that if followed would today help in our current situation.
As far as I can tell ... everybody who has posted in this thread is right. This review of the book when it came out kind of says the same thing: "... that is its charm. From something called It's Fun to Plan Your Vacation to the Junior Rifle Handbook, The Good Citizen's Handbook culls illustrations, text and ideas -- as well as ideals -- from sources spanning from 1928 to 1972 and packages them up in a sort of tongue-in-cheek and well-intentioned ..." Tongue-in-cheek and well-intentioned ... a combination lots of literature from talented authors has often managed to hit, all down the years. It hardly has to be just one or the other. You can kind of tell it's from 2001 ... not even just from 2001, but from February 2001. So much had not happened yet. A reader from today would be chuckling a bit less over the warning in the last paragraph of the introduction.
Back when Christian prayer was mandatory, but McCarthyism and the Red Scare had not yet caused the words "under God" to be inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance?
Crossing Guards in my day (more likely my location -- Los Angeles), were adults. Hired by the school district -- maybe the city -- and wore complete uniforms, with badges etc. Had a hand-held stop sign. They became like friends to us. Always asked us how the little league or pop warner team did over the weekend. When my kids went to schools, they had gone to the volunteer parent model, but that switched after awhile to "paid crossing guards" as I suppose the volunteers were not all that reliable. Adults, no uniforms, in either case, hand-held stop signs, but eventually, the adults were wearing those Hi_Viz vests. Still that way now, except, no school. LOL In elementary school, there were "safety monitors," those were sixth grade students that got to monitor the hallways to avoid trouble. They wore an strap on badge that went around the upper arm -- donated by the Southern California Automobile Association (the donation notice was bigger than the word SAFETY(.