I'm following @NutzAboutBolts' excellent EGR Pipe and Cooler Cleaning video. I've watched the videos a few times, so I'm confident about doing the job, but on my other cars I have a history of messing-up wiring clips and don't really want to start this project on a bad foot. In the attached pic, he has pulled back the rubber cover on the manifold side of the pipe, gets his needle nose pliers, then after the clip holding it to the wiring harness doesn't initially loosen, he says "let me see if I'm doing this right" and when it still doesn't come, he hums a little tune. Unfortunately though, you can't see how it comes loose. Before I pry or squeeze the wrong way -- it looks to me a small screwdriver might help -- could someone describe the trick? What's the goal with the clip. As you can see from the close-up of mine (2nd pic), I'm already starting to mangle the thing. Thanks!
That first clip is a goner . A small screwdriver pushing on the upper ends will allow the clip to release from its holder. Most of these clips are over secured anyway. Good luck and keep us posted.
By your 2nd photo, of the clip, you want to squeeze the top and bottom part together. Then pull it through the hole. The were probably NEVER designed to be removed! If you have a small mirror, you can look behind them and see where the tabs are you need to squeeze. But, they just hold the harness in place so they don't move around when the engine is running. You can always use cable ties to secure the harness if the tabs are messed up.
Okay, with @Raytheeagle's "upper ends" and @ASRDogman's "top and bottom", combined with a pic of the clip with which I had only sparingly tried (below), I see that I should have ignored the hollow, clippy-looking sides and needed to pay attention to the more solid-looking longways (at least to these aging eyes) When I pushed at the leg or flap at the top of the oblong clip with a small sewing machine screwdriver, so the flap would go back to be in contact with the rest of the structure, they both were easy to pop through the hole with my thumb. Thanks @Raytheeagle and @ASRDogman -- I had been squeezing and trying to unclip the opposite way! Couldn't have done it without you. Thanks!
Mostly everyone is using these types of clips. The tricky part is figuring out how to SEE what type they are using one each one. Once you do, it's a lot easier to remove them.
Just take off the single bolt that holds the entire assembly. No need to mess with that clip at all! I have done so many EGR jobs that you just figure out a faster and better way of removing parts