Hello y'all, What would I need to look for to replace a 2gen motor oil dipstick? Physical specs, brand, retail availability (i.e., where can I buy it?) Mine is varnished badly. Thanks, TTLLY04
you can go to any toyota parts on line with the model year, or call a dealer. ebay might have good used or salvage yards.
You don't need to buy a new one, just clean it with some acetone. Maybe you can try some gasoline or strong chemical. Use a little elbow grease and it should become cleaner (to an acceptable appearance). Don't spend too much time on it, because the real problem would be the entire engine looking like your dipstick, and you can't clean it
If the dipstick is that varnished so is the motor. Steel wool can clean the DS right up. If motor that varnished it probably has clogged piston rings and eats oil bad. Keep an eye on the engine oil loss.
Buy a piece of 1000 grit sandpaper? Use some nail polish remover and a rag to clean it? 5 bucks for a dipstick from a salvage yard, but it's likely to be discolored also, since 99% are.
Can't wipe the stain off. Is it always called varnish and does it always indicate potential engine problems in any circumstances?
Other than a brand new car, every vehicle I've owned has had tan/brown discoloration on the dipstick shaft. I don't think it's anything to worry about.
If its baked onto the dipstick which is basically sitting in a moving pool of oil you can only imagine how bad the inside of the engine is. Its baked on shitty oil high quality synthetic oil does not bake on to the metal the higher the quality oil it is the less it bakes on. I wont bore you with acronyms. Lets call it BOSO. Your looking at a high mile OCI with really crappy dino oil. Toyota engines that already suffer from clogging rings will not enjoy that. Its not a stretch to imagine its a high oil using engine. But its dealer maintained so go figure. Its almost like they don't care.
I used Autosol 'Metal Life Saver' ... removed the varnish easily and without damaging he surface in anyway. Looks brand new.
Grab a paper towel, splash on a little nail polish remover and have at it. Takes it right off....total cost about 10 cents