We bought this Prius earlier this year. Love the car, but there is an annoying issue. If I get out of the car when on, with the fob in pocket, I cannot unlock doors or the hatch. Same goes for when my wife is in the car with her fob, and locks the doors. I return with my fob and cannot unlock it via keyless or button. Looked through the menu, and cannot find an option for this. Curious to know if this is normal, or if it can be defeated.
Are you sure the car is locked when you come back ? you can't lock it with the fob while it's in ready mode and you can't lock it with the fob whilst the key is in the car
As you may have already discovered, you need to change the locking options so that it UNlocks the doors when you put the "shifter" in Park. I don't think there is a fix for your second situation.
I cannot unlock the back doors or hatch with the car on, and the fob is in my pocket. Neither keyless nor the buttons work. When my wife waits in the car and locks the driver door, I can't unlock that one either. Both she and I have fobs.
Yes, it unlocks the driver door when park is selected as is my preference. But for example, if I want to put something in the hatch or the back seat, I have to shut off the car in order for it to allow access. This is certainly not normal for other cars. Still looking to find out if this is the case for a Prius.
It doesn't open the hatch, but does put the car in 'unlocked' state, where the hatch release button will work. At least it does on my Gen 3.
IF....there is still a FOB inside the car, I strongly suspect that it IS normal. AND IF.....there is an option to unlock ALL of the doors in Park and you choose not to use that.......your choice.
Most people, myself included, just want the driver's door to unlock at park for security reasons. Once again, with fob in pocket, not in the car, you cannot unlock the other doors or hatch. Again, it may just be this way on this series of Prius. ChapmanF says this is not the case on a gen 3 Prius. Still looking for the answer if it's normal on a gen 4.
An unwarranted assumption. You have no way to know what "most people" want. I don't PUT mine into Park until I am sure that there is NO security risk. And when I pick up somebody at the curb......or pull up to have someone load things into the vehicle, I WANT all doors to unlock when shifted to Park.
About my very first settings mod in the Gen 3 was to disable all frobbing of the door locks when I shift in or out of Park. My reason (other than annoyance with the chorus of kerchunks every time I shift): those lock actuators wear out. The Toyota replacements are costly, and cheap ones are a crap shoot. So having them not all unnecessarily cycle every time I shift is appealing. Makes it more likely that even if I have to replace the driver's door actuator one day, it's not going to be followed almost immediately by the other three at $200 a pop. I grew up with cars where I could lock the doors if I wanted them locked, and unlock them if I wanted them unlocked, and that was OK with me. About the hatch, yes, all my experience with Gen 2 and Gen 3 has been that if you use the driver's armrest button to unlock all the passenger doors, that will also permit opening the hatch.
I just tested it on my wife's 2017 trim 2. It is set to only unlock the driver's door with the SKS. I got in, closed the door, started the car, hit the unlock button on the armrest, got back out with the car still in ready mode, and opened the rear hatch. Just like I expected.
Hey there Jerry. Thanks so much for the reply! I appreciate it. This is as one would expect it should be. There must either be some issue with my car, or some buried setting I can't find. Think I'll put it to the dealer next time it's in.
Yes. The Texas summers are extremely hot. The black interior heats up fast, and is quickly unbearable for anyone waiting in the car.