Everything you see in pic included. Small pouch holds ScanGauge nicely. $98 shipped via USPS Priority.
I have one that’s a good deal. It’s really handy to have a good obd that you can use with other cars. Many people on here use it permanently mounted to the dash as a temp gauge which is a great idea if you change the engine coolant on a g2 and are concerned about air lock. So many posters on this site change there engine coolant and then drive away not even thinking about airlock until too late check engine over heat light comes on and many times engine damage ensues. There is no coolant gauge on a g2. When I changed my coolant was very glad I had my Scangauge. It was and extra $25 to send it off to get it to a Xgauge. I never added many pids since I had tech stream but have used it on many other cars. Everyone at my job knows I have one so I read alot of car codes. Most are emissions. Stuck on check engine light is usually emissions. If its a blinking engine light pull over lol. It will clear hybrid codes. I have had mine about 12 years.