Have Scangauge installed now but the hardwire kit for a dashcam in my case also uses the obd2 . looked into the OBD2 Splitter and found a few. Trying this one out for now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071L8W7Q7/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_i_VYyuFbN0K04YD I was wondering if anyone has used one with any success. Any thoughts on reliability and how safe it is to use in your car. Any thoughts or experiences are greatly appreciated.
I have a splitter for my Scangauge. Only issue if you do connect Techstream it doesn't like it. So you would have to disconnect the splitter and direct connect to OBD2. Not a big deal. Hope that help
I have Diageng Ultra Low Profile Left or Right Angle OBD II 2 Y Splitter Cable 30cm/12". I bought it in 2016
I also have a splitter for a couple of years now. I have simultaneously connected an obdlink lx and also a window auto-close module. No problems.
Anyone get a ScanGauge and Techstream to play nice together with one of these? My splitter would not do this and my research says they can’t but that was awhile back.
In general always having something plugged into your OBD2 is problematic and having two things always plugged in will be doubly problematic. Most people who have their OBD2 port in use all the time do pretty well for a while and then as everything ages they start getting errors and warning lights. In other words, it's a diagnostic port, not an accessory port. It's to be used when you're doing diagnostics rather than for adding new features to the vehicle. I'd recommend getting a $5 OBD2 cord with a switch on it so you can turn it on when you want to look at available data.