I just bought a certified 2010 prius and have had it for 3 months now. Twice within one month, there was absolutely no power to start the car because the aux battery went dead overnight. I'm pretty sure I didn't leave any lights on and don't think I did anything differently when exiting the car for those 2 times. I took it into the dealership, and they couldn't find anything wrong. They said the battery was good. Does anyone have a clue what is draining the battery overnight? thanks
Check if the light in the trunk/cabin is left on (most likely). In not, do parasitic current measurement and/or battery load test.
it probably sat on the lot for a while and the battery is weak. i would just buy a good replacement and send the bill to the dealer
Check it with a digital multimeter. If you get voltage around 12.4~12.5 it's likely on it's way out. Higher, say 12.6 or more, it's ok. You can also try hooking up a lowish amperage intelligent charger, let it do it's thing. Then drive for a few days and then recheck voltage. Bottom line, if it's older than 4 years, and getting problematic, time for a new one.
I have a 2011 I had the same thing happen voltage dropped to 6.76 volts when trying to charge it I noticed it hanged up at 10.5 volts for awhile but then on went to a charge of 11.86. After I took charger off of it It disapaited at a rate of .01 every 15 seconds. It had a bad cell in it. Went with the Optima yellow top battery all is well
I doubt the dealer would pay him anything. I believe the battery is warranted for 7 years, if it is a Toyota battery.
Original manufacturer warranty is 8 years or 100,000 miles except in CARB states where it's 10 years or 150,000 miles for the hybrid battery only. The 12V auxiliary battery only originally comes with the bumper-to-bumper warranty. After that, I believe it's only a year at most.