Why am I not able to erase this error with my INNOVA 3170RS. This error P0A80 comes back every couple times I drive the car. I have taken the battery apart and cleaned all the terminals. checked the voltages and "balanced" the cells. I'm getting 51 to 64 mpg on my trips. the car has 232000 miles on it. Am I looking at having to get new cells? when the error comes back I cannot select EV, ECO, or Power mode and the arrows for the energy monitors do not work until I start the car a second time after erasing the codes. I'm wondering why the code says PERMANENT?
You need to replace your worn out traction battery. Just replacing a few modules will not give you a reliable car. the cheapest option if you can find it would be to get the modules from a low mileage wrecked Prius. The next cheapest option would normally Ethel lit of new cells from newpriusbatteries for $1600 delivered but I think they are backordered. The only other reliable option is a new Toyota battery battery pack. Dealer installation gives you a longer warranty.
Yes, it’s true for all cars with OBD II. The concept of permanent diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) is defined in an industry standard, SAE J1979, E/E Diagnostic Test Modes. The standard explains that permanent DTCs “are DTCs that are ‘confirmed’ and are retained in the non-volatile memory of the server [i.e., the car’s computers] until the appropriate monitor for each DTC has determined that the malfunction is no longer present and is not commanding the MIL [malfunction indicator lamp] on.” It continues, “The intended use . . . is to prevent vehicles from passing an in-use inspection simply by disconnecting the battery or clearing DTCs with a scan tool prior to the inspection. . . . Permanent DTCs shall be stored in non-volatile memory (NVRAM) and may not be erased by any diagnostic services (generic or enhanced) or by disconnecting power to the ECU.” It won’t. Only the car itself can clear a permanent DTC. After the problem is fixed, this might require several drive cycles, or in some cases, one of the specific driving patterns described in the Repair Manual (more info).
If no warning light is up, and it's a permanent code, there is no way to erase it manually, not even with techstream. The car needs to go through a process to verify that it's repaired. You just need to drive it. Some says 100 miles, some says 200 miles, some even say 600 miles. I had a permanent code that prevented me from passing my smog check after replacing a cell. I tried driving around town in stop and go traffic for couple hunder miles but it didn't clear. One night, I went on a freeway only drive after dinner for 80 miles or so, never droping below 70mph. That cleared it. Went and got my car smogged next day. The point is, you just need to drive the car. Try different driving patterns and keep checking. Don't disconnect the battery. Everytime you do that, you are just starting over and need to drive some more. Good luck!
My old cells were apparently discharging and overheating. I just replaced all the cells. I'm no longer getting the p0A80 "pending"and "stored" error. I'll let you know when the "permanent" goes away.
My permanent P0A80 error finally went away. It took about 590 miles of driving. So, whoever said 600 miles must know what they are talking a about.
Just so every one knows: My newer cells started doing the same thing after a while. It ended up being the electric ICE water pump. The car would apparently over heat so the engine would not start and the HV battery would discharge and recharge only after the ICE had cooled down. I replaced the engines electric water pump and no longer have problems. I started getting an errror code that said the water pump had high revolutions. And, after the fiasco with the cheap Amazon water pump and error p0261B "communication error" I bought a lifetime water pump from Auto Zone for three times the price and the car is running with no errors
Ahhh the O'l permanent code. Just drive it and if all bad cells have been fixed then eventually it will go away. I had no problem passing smog with the permanent code stored here in California. I have Dr. Prius Lithium pack with the code still there last I checked. Dr. Prius App said to clear it and then disconnect the 12v for 5 minutes. I have not done that but I will try it soon, just going to do some egr cleaning first. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I have swapped all the modules with professionally reconditioned and balanced ones. My 2011 Prius has 186k miles and has no codes ever since related to HV battery. The Permanent Code P0A80 will not go away. I have tried alot of different drive cycles including the one I found posted here as a Universal Drive cyle. I was hoping to see it gone after 600 miles, however, I’ve driven over 3000 miles and the code is still sitting as Permanent. Dr.Prius shows the repaired battery pack health as 93% and my MPG has gone up to 53 from 40 after the module swap. I passed smog in California based on 200miles and 15 drive cycles with no codes though. I will keep driving normally to confirm if this Permanent code is literally PERMANENT.
I am curious where you purchased this. Proper reconditioning and balancing is a time intensive process that is too costly for businesses. That is especially true when you can get a kit of new cells that form an equivalent pack for $1600 delivered which gives you a new pack, not one composed of used modules.
Correct, it’s a job that very few do it correctly and are honest about it. I had many phony ones locally that i could tell just by talking on the phone that they did’nt know much about nor had the proper setup to do it. I did’nt want to spend $1600 on the new cells, I’m very happy with this pack I received from guys who were totally upfront and know what they’re doing and also offered me 2 years warranty with unlimited miles. It has performed exactly as the new ones would and for $700 it was worth it. Very similar to the guys in SoCal, Electron but much cheaper.
I had a recall on my 2011 and I requested the dealer to clear it with the software update that they were performing. The dealer tried to sell me a new battery pack. From what I understand that techstream will not be able to clear permanent codes, however a ECU flash would be required. I have started to think that this permanent code is somehow stuck and since I have passed smog and have no codes or issues, will let it resolve itself. I’ve read alot about the 600miles being the magic number, so was hoping to see it vanish. But well...