I have 2 homes and would like to purchase a second charger. Can some of you post links to chargers/places where you think I should be looking. Just looking for the same type as the OEM - regular wall plug in. Thank you.
Am I missing something here ? Probably. Why wouldn't you just carry the charger / cord WITH you in the car ?? Have you asked a dealer ?
Try E-bay, any make will do, it does not need to be Toyota. Enter EVSE Charger. I see several (Ford, Fiat, Chevrolet bolt etc). for less than $200. I think a good used one of those would be much better than a cheap chinese made one.
No, great question. In my primary residence I have mounted it to the wall, ran the extension cord, and sort of fixed it in place. I'd rather not have to transport yet another thing to my weekend house every weekend. I'd prefer to just purchase a second one and keep it there - ready to go. I'd prefer not to spend $800 for the Toyota logo. Just me.
Never looked at it that way. I just assume the cheap ones were probably made by the same company as the dealer supplied ones. I will look at used versus new and grab a OEM mfg one. Appreciate that.
Will this work? New Old Style OEM Toyota Electric Car Charger Cord EV EVSE Prius Level 1 J1772 | eBay
That'll work. But it's pricey. I got a spare cord off of Craig's list for $80 and it works well. It's a ford cord, but doesn't suffer the same fate as their automobile's in terms of Fix Or Repair Daily.
It should work. But pricey. If you are interested in a used OEM L1 charge cable from my 2017 PRIME, then PM me. I will unload it at half of the price.
I looked at used ones on ebay for about a month and decided to try one of the Chinese L1 models on Amazon that had a decent rating. I searched and settled on this one. There are plenty to choose from there. I've used it daily for almost 3 months without issues. I have the Toyota one stored in a bag with extension cord for travel or using remotely.
I do have a second charger OEM, from my previous prime. Send me a message and we can work out something. Sid
DBL, a couple of points to consider... ...You're looking for a charge station, or EVSE, which is actually a smart power supply. The charger is built into the car. ...The car's charger communicates with the charge station, so even if the charge station has a higher rating than the stock one, it won't overcharge. ...Many charge stations work with multiple input voltages. As long as it matches what you'll use, you're good. It might say something like, "100 volts to 240 volts," and that'll work for you with a standard 120 volt home receptacle. ...You need the standard 2-blade + ground plug on the charge station. As long as the input voltage is OK, you can put this plug on and charge away. ...You need the U.S. standard SAE J1772 connector to plug into the car. This looks like the mini-gas nozzle. You don't want to change this. If a bargain charge station on eBay or elsewhere offers a different connector, skip it. Keep looking. ...Check the length of cord you need for a good routing. Try to get one that fits just right.