That's when the mobile repair van comes in. Even when the SC gets too full (much less, long distance) - much less, you are far away, tesla will send out a repair person. We had one once at home ... & when we got a flat while out on the freeway - near midnight. The model X has different sized rubber in the front vs rear. & since radials stay on just one side - you have to tell them which corner your flat is located in. They bring an entire rim & tire ready to go, with them. Once they fix it - your mobile repair van comes out to you & swaps the loaner back in to their inventory. Down side? If it's a slow leak? They'll charge $50 !!! whereas america's tire fixes 'em for free. No small task, as the Contenentals on the X are foam lined, so make road noise less descernable.
I didn't know about the tire size diffs on the X. I posted in a different thread that OKC is getting a SC and now so is Tulsa. In 6 months or so, I'll have an SC only 15 minutes away. I went to a local club meeting yesterday so I could see colors up close and personal. I talked to one of the owners for a good hour. Towards the end, he opened the trunk and gave me an exact Hot Wheels replica of his gorgeous red M3, same color. He had about 15 of them back there. Is this a secret Tesla owners thing? I thought it was a pretty darn cool thing to do.
So it has directional tires too? Most radials I've seen (on other vehicles) are not directional, and can also be freely rotated from side to side.
Many Tesla owners are very enthusiastic. That is a new one though, love the idea. A group out of the Minnesota Tesla Owners group traveled down to Iowa, when the Iowa Dealers Association got Tesla’s plans for a test drive event shut down. The owners figured they would provide test rides (and I believe some test drives), so they did The group also convoyed to Michigan for a similar event. Both of these were a few years ago, they are just some examples of the passion of owners.
Driving the better ½ around shopping today, and guess what SHE found/noticed - parked right smack in front of us at Walmart; Her first model Y spotted, in the wild. In fact she didn't even notice the original metallic bronze model X right behind her, a nice color that they only made the first year iirc. The M X almost looks the same height as the model Y, because the air suspension was dropped down to extra low. .
It may be wrong, but I'd always heard it was best not to run them in two directions even if they were not designated as directional. Something about risk of belt separation over time or something like that. Might be a wives tale, just what the tire folks had said in the past.
Funny. We had all versions represented Saturday and also had an X and a Y next to each other. Lots of colors. People don't believe how many Prii we have in OK. It's even more impressive how many Teslas we have in OK. There were 55 Teslas at the club meeting Saturday. It was a low turnout. It was a great way to compare and contrast and see colors in person rather than a web page. Enthusiastic is something of an understatement. This group also travels to show off and give test drives in other states. Any excuse to drive. It was all COVID safe with masks and wipes. I was impressed. I understand all Teslas have to be named. I've not taken mine out of the package yet since I'd have to name it. I think I'll wait and name the one I'm going to put in my garage. These aren't cheap. He was very generous.
Good question. He had about 15 of them in his trunk. I didn't want to jinx the secret handshake by asking why.
It is TESLA-19, a highly contagious syndrome that affects Tesla owners. So far, no known cure and symptoms: cheeks ache - too much smug smiling neck strain - too much maximum acceleration at traffic lights Bob Wilson
I had heard that such advice was originally true, back when radials were comparatively new, but is now outdated, as the causes of that problem have been fixed. Over several decades, each time I have looked through the warranty booklet for my tires (which I confess hasn't been for all of them), I have found that cross rotation is specifically called out as acceptable for each of the non-directional models I have looked at.
During my last Model S Performance test drive back in June my wife was not with me. Yesterday, we dropped by the Southlake, TX showroom (closest one to us) to do some test drives. It was devoid of people so we spent several hours there and drove 3 vehicles. I've been jabbering about all things Tesla for a while now so my wife was pretty well versed about a lot of the specifics except she's not been in one that was moving. The first one we were able to drive was a new M3 Performance. Having driven a MS P in Ludicrous+ mode, I knew what to expect and knew she didn't. We were in town so I kept it safely to the speed limits, but we took a ramp onto a highway and I was able to safely punch it at about 10 mph up to 50mph with no traffic. For those of you that don't know, punching a M3 Performance is like being back in the 70's in a 454 cubic inch 4 barrel holly carb monster with headers, slicks on the back and skinnys on the front. For the younger crowd, it's similar to the takeoff of the Rock 'n' Roller coaster at Disney World except it's more. It throws your body and head back into the bucket hard and is truly and oh sh** moment. It definitely passes the dollar bill test. When I backed off the pedal at 50mph the look on my wife's face was priceless with a huge smile. All she said was "I WANT ONE, do they come in blue?" Of course neither one of us want the performance model, but it was fun to try. We're both about the efficiency, no gas, no maintenance, and the tech. Looks like we're going to be a two Tesla M3LR family with hers in blue and mine in red.
The owner's manuals to my Fords and GMs, going back to 1996, called for cross rotations for the tires.
Just learned I'm going to be slightly delayed in my M3LR plans. I'm getting a total hip replacement on my right hip the first week of October. No driving allowed for many weeks after so it looks like a 2021 M3LR will be the way to go. Who knows, it may have a heat pump by then. Not holding my breath but it looks like I'll have time.
Thank you. I had my left one done 2 years ago (just osteoarthritis) so I know what to expect which is good "and" bad because I know what to expect.
This is a good thing in light of all the new stuff being implemented into the Model 3. Really really wish I had the heat pump in my Model 3 up north here. And best of luck with the surgery!