My Prius is 2years old and needed the heater on as was a bit cold this evening here in the U.K., but it would only blow cold air. when it was hot a few days ago I wanted the AC on but was only blowing hot air. Any idea what the issue could be, a fuse?
It could be a fuse, I suppose. Only takes a couple minutes to find out. But unless you drive a lot more than most people, a two year old car should still be under warranty.
thanks. can't think of a fuse that controls anything except the blwer motor. sounds like your ecu is confused. try disconnecting the 12v negative for a minute to reset the computers
Still doesn’t heat in Auto or manual or the AC, blower works but no hot or cold, just seems to be whatever temp outside is blown in.
You didn't answer @bisco's 2nd question. How many miles on it? It's very likely under warranty at that age.
Absolutely. The dealer should fix that for free if the UK warranty is anything like here. In fact, if you try fixing it, that might cause some issues with warranty coverage.