I've had this issue where my TPMS light flashes for about 1 minute whenever I start my 2015 Prius and then glows solid. My tire pressures are correct and I've tried the reset procedure. I used Car Scanner ELM OBD2 to perform a scan and got a few codes all of which surprised me and none seem to have anything to do with TPMS. I was hoping to find what the fault might be. From what I have read the sensor batteries should last at least 10 years which makes it seem like battery failure is too soon. The following codes are what the app I used were able to pull: ============1============== B2323 Raw code: A323 ECU: BCM #1/Convenience systems Status: Confirmed ============2============== U0100 Raw code: C100 ECU: Entry & start / Smart key Status: Confirmed OBDII: Data bus, engine control module (ECM) A - no communication ============3============== U0142 Raw code: C142 ECU: Entry & start / Smart key Status: Confirmed OBDII: Data bus, body control module (BCM) B - no communication ============4============== U0155 Raw code: C155 ECU: Entry & start / Smart key Status: Confirmed OBDII: Data bus, instrumentation control module - no communication ============5============== U0293 Raw code: C293 ECU: Entry & start / Smart key Status: Confirmed OBDII: Lost communication with hybrid powertrain control module The only smart key related issue I have seen recently is a message indicating the fob battery is low. I do need to replace that but I do not think the TPMS would be related to that. TIA for any help with this issue.
That means the TPMS is not working. As you suspected the most likely reason is a dead battery in one or more of the sensor, but it could also be an error on ECU or other functioning units of the entire TPMS system. While battery supposed to last ~7 years or maybe longer depending on who you ask, but it really depends on conditions used, so 5 years premature battery demise is not so unusual. I would just stop by a tire shop and ask to scan the TPMS sensor. If it is not sending any signal, that means the sensor needs to be replaced. Sorry, but I have no idea what other codes you pulled mean.
Hook up techstream, if you ain’t gettin no psi reading from a wheel, ya know it’s battery gon dead. Or be able to get more info besides kit codes.
This is an awesome idea, but I do not have techstream or the necessary OBD dongle required to use it. I'm not sure if the USB OBD adapter I have is compatible with a Prius. It is an OBDLink SX.
Yes, I did read the manual but knowing the issue would really help. This only lists a number of issues that could possibly be wrong.
There is a TPMS reset button in the driver side knee panel under the steering column. Try resetting the System with that
If it does prove to be one dead sensor, I would go ahead and replace them all since the others may be on their last legs as well.
Certainly true -- but its definitely a time vs. money calculation. Since all were installed at the same time, it is certainly possible that this is the first one to go and the others will follow in short order. Getting them all replaced prevents multiple trips to the repair place. OTOH, the TPMS are absurdly expensive to get replaced. And since the OP has a 2015, its kinda on the early side for failure. Also, its not like the car is un-drivable if only one gets fixed another fails.